Thursday, May 28, 2020

Law and order and Amy and Kamala

Twitchy: "Is Amy Klobuchar canceled? Possible VP pick gets tangled up in George Floyd case."  Well, as Twitchy explains: yes and no.  She was a prosecutor but at the time of this sensitive case, she was largely running for the Senate.

But will that matter?  Rumor is that African-Americans hate Amy as a VP pick and even peripheral association with the Floyd case is going to depress her stock.  Then there's the buzz that Kamala Harris is on the rise because Biden's "you ain't black" gaffe is going to force him to choose an African-American running mate.  But Kamala Harris has her own racial problems as a former prosecutor as Tulsi Gabbard spectacularly exposed.

So maybe a former prosecutor isn't the winning move for Biden's VP.  Now the freshest cut is that Elizabeth Warren would be Biden's best choice, which is sheer insanity.

Honestly, if I was forced to make a prediction, I'd guess Val Demings of Florida.  She checks the right boxes and comes from a state Biden needs to win.  She also didn't imply Biden was a racist on a national stage.

Extra - Althouse: "Biden will need to gently close the door on Vice President Amy."  


  1. Klobu-charred9:39 AM

    Does it really matter who Biden's "VP pick" is? Joe is at the top of the ticket, and that cannot be compensated for.

    The awful dilemma soon to face the Career Democrat media...

  2. I saw a story today that one-third of Democrats still want him replaced.
