Friday, May 29, 2020

Good review

Charles Lipson: "What the 'Obamagate' Scandals Mean and Why They Matter." 


  1. Anonymous1:34 PM

    "What the 'Obamagate' Scandals Mean and Why They Matter."

    (1) Trump's losing; (2) They don't.

  2. Since nobody on the left cares about this, Trump should just start bugging Biden's basement. It don't matter.

  3. Anonymous6:43 PM

    Tough coincidence that you happened to post this on the same day as the release of abused Mike Flynn's innocent transcripts with Kislyak. It's best that you don't read them. Judge Sullivan will, though.

  4. Truly *yawn* explosive. When does the Logan Act trial start?

  5. Anonymous10:45 PM

    The National Security Advisor caught on tape doing what he lied about to the FBI, and verifying the Mueller nothingburger, what a simply ghastly bore.

    Mike Flynn didn't plead guilty (twice) to violating the Logan Act. But naturally this charade isn't about being correct, this is about being bitter.

  6. Right: he plead guilty to lying to the FBI in a perjury trap with NO underlying crime. There's nothing in the transcripts to indicate he did anything wrong.

    It's a nothingburger.

  7. "New unsealed FBI memos show that the Bureau found “no derogatory information” on former national security adviser Michael Flynn while investigating his alleged Russian contacts, and moved to close their investigation of him in early January 2017 before former FBI agent Peter Strzok intervened, asking to keep the case open."

    Is this really the world you want to live in, where FBI agents have this power over a man's freedom?

  8. (1) Trump's losing; (2) They don't.

    Could you repeat that? I can't tell what you're saying with Obama's dick in your mouth.

  9. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Trumpies argue that the Logan Act theory is a joke because it's never been successfully used, hasn't even attempted to be used in 150 years, and is probably unconstitutional — but then argue that Flynn was SO terrified about the prospect that he lied to the FBI.

    They argue that FARA is virtually never prosecuted criminally — but then argue that Flynn was so terrified about his son being prosecuted for it that he pleaded guilty, even though he was totally innocent. No, wait, is today an even-numbered day? On even-numbered days, it was a "perjury trap."

    They demand, "Release the transcripts!" And then, when transcripts are released, they pretend not to see what's right there in them. "He did nothing wrong!" So, why did Flynn lie? For laughs? He was punking the FBI for an MTV prank show he was developing?

    Sycophantic nonsense and partisan bitterness, in defense of a traitor who got caught dead to rights.

    Next step: take the amorphous OBAMAGATE! and make it even more real by typing it in bold: OBAMAGATE!

    Defending Trump has really made you dumb.

  10. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Could you repeat that? I can't tell what you're saying with Obama's dick in your mouth.

    Repetitive. Derivative. And probably not the first time Roger Bournival has fantasized about black cock.

    Get out the lube, Rog. More polls this week!

    Maine: Sara Gideon 51%, Susan Collins 42%
    Arizona: Kelly 51%, McSally 41%
    South Carolina: Graham, 42%, Harrison 42%
    North Carolina: Cunningham 46%, Tillis 44%

    And yet another in a long ongoing string of Florida polling leads for Basement Biden.

    Trump got 65 of 68 electoral votes in those five states. How many do you think he'll get in those five states this time?

    But cheer up, the data's not all bleak. Trump’s beating Biden by 10% in Indiana. He won Indiana by 19% in 2016.

    And Trump is ahead by 4% in Missouri. He won Missouri by 19%, too. I hate to admit this, but Trump has an excellent chance of hanging on to all the states he won by 19% or more.

    Then there's the dementia-ridden elephant in the room. Joe Biden's "You ain't black" gaffe a week ago was an absolute game-changer. It created a LOT of swayable black votes out there for the taking. Just as long as Trump doesn't do anything insensitive or racist...

  11. Like I said: nobody on the left cares that a sitting President used a phony dossier as a pretense to spy on an opposing party's campaign.

    So Trump might as well just go ahead.

  12. Anonymous12:23 AM

    And like I once said: Thomas More, as depicted in “A Man for All Seasons,” speaks for thee:

    “When a man takes an oath, Meg, he's holding his own self in his own hands. Like water [he cups his hands]. And if he opens his fingers then, he needn't hope to find himself again.”

  13. Bartlett9:17 AM

    Well-chosen quote to describe the import of Obama's role in Obamagate.

  14. Anonymous5:48 PM

    Quiet, rubber/glue oaf, I wasn't talking to you. I was talking to someone who has a brain and a soul, even if they're strategically in abeyance.
