Saturday, May 23, 2020

Dragging Sleepy Joe over the finish line

Fox News: "CNN downplays Biden's 'you ain't black' comments, avoids on-air coverage throughout the day."


  1. Anonymous10:38 AM

    2019, were we ever really that young?

    AP: Trump: Any Jew voting Democratic is uninformed or disloyal
    "I think any Jewish people that vote for a Democrat, I think it shows either a total lack of knowledge or great disloyalty."

    Media Matters: How Fox News is defending Trump's allegation that Jewish voters are showing “great disloyalty” to Israel

    Speaking of avoiding the news, we're not seeing a lot of this past week's Tara Reade stories here.

  2. She's in hiding working on her baby voice and installing a second front door.

  3. 2019, were we ever really that young?

    You were - that's how you got the nickname 'Virgin Boy' at Jacques!

  4. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Ah, Blasey Ford grudges and homo panic. We've reached the inchoate retort portion of our program.

    But confusion and incoherence are just one symptom of Covid-19, Roger. I don't know your age, but judging from your posts, I'm guessing 80?

    Stay safe. Stay alert. Get to the hospital immediately if you lose the ability to taste Trump's cock and balls in your mouth.

  5. Anonymous7:11 PM

    ^ Trying hard and failing.

  6. Anonymous8:40 AM

    ^ Like Fox News — Fox News — critiquing any other media outlet in the world for allegedly downplaying a story.

  7. Anonymous11:04 AM

    You keep trying and failing. We're laughing at you when you post, keep posting more.

  8. Anonymous11:59 AM

    ^ No Blue Wave/Soleimani Goodwill Bounce (But Polls Are Fake) was saying what now about repeated failure?
