Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Call for the FBI investigation

It's the only way to clear your name, Joe.  National Review: "Conservatives Need to Talk about Tara Reade Precisely because Truth Matters."
That brings us back to “believe all women.” You are never, ever going to get liberals, progressives, and Democrats to admit that the standard they espouse is bad and dangerous until they are compelled to live under it themselves (or at least to explain openly why they believe they should be exempt from them, as Linda Hirshman did in her clarifying recent New York Times op-ed, “I Believe Tara Reade. I’m Voting for Joe Biden Anyway”). As I have noted before, that was one of the lessons of the two-decade-long battle over the Independent Counsel statute: Only when it came back to bite one of their own did Democrats admit that the statute was bad and dangerous.
That's what makes it so much fun, all the squirming and equivocating.

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