Monday, April 13, 2020

What we doing already but better-er

American Thinker: "Biden’s ideas for re-opening America are painfully obvious and insipid" - "If Joe Biden weren’t such a corrupt, dissolute, politically vicious man, one might feel sorry for him as he simultaneously battles irrelevance and dementia while locked away in his home in Delaware."


  1. Anonymous2:33 PM

    A man scans the American horizon for the insipid thoughts of a substandard brain about the coronavirus pandemic... until he spies... Joe Biden!

  2. I also would have accepted Andrew Cuomo.

  3. Anonymous6:49 PM


  4. "Metrics"11:34 AM

    Meanwhile, back in political reality...

    *New poll sees Sen. Susan Collins' approval fall from 42% to 37%. (Silver lining: 37% is still higher than Trump's approval in Maine.)

    *New poll sees the irrelevant shut-in Biden improving to a 9% lead over Trump in Arizona. Biden had been trailing Trump in the same poll in December 2019. The poll shows a 3% shift to Biden in the month since Trump began his krazy konfrontational kartoon koronavirus konferences.

    *In Wisconsin, forced by the state GOP to vote during an active pandemic, Democrats substantially increased their voter turnout. Many waited as long as 5 or 6 hours to vote against a state Supreme Court justice in a *primary*. And they flipped that Trump-endorsed incumbent by a 10-point margin.

    Republican percentages dropped in just three small areas: Wisconsin's cities, suburbs and rural districts. But other than those, the GOP held its ground.

    There's absolutely nothing to worry about, though. This one result doesn't necessarily mean these voters will be motivated to come back without PPE masks in November to vote against their state senators and Donald Trump.

  5. "Muh polls!" - people born after November 2016

  6. "Metrics"9:47 PM

    "Muh polls!" - what you said throughout 2018

  7. "Muh polls" - what the Democrats said throughout 2010 and 2014.

  8. "Metrics"3:00 PM

    That's not correct, of course. You're muh-staken.

    Don't you remember 2010, and voting for a man who owned a truck? Elizabeth Warren crushed him and owns that seat now, but dang, for a shining moment that truck was glorious.
