Friday, April 17, 2020

#Timesup but not really

Hot Air: "Washington Post Columnist On Biden Allegations: ‘Sometimes We’re Left With Coming To Our Own Conclusions’"
I don’t know if Tara Reade is telling the truth about an alleged assault by Joe Biden. I’m fine with the nuance that exists between ‘He definitely did it’ and ‘She made it up.’ But what I do know for a certainty is that the media’s handling of this, with cues from celebrity #MeToo activists, has been an absolute train wreck of hypocrisy and motivated reasoning. Major papers have published piece after piece after piece about how this allegation is different from the one leveled at Judge Kavanaugh and all of them have been really awful and embarrassing.
Let's face it: observers of the news (like me) have been waiting for this moment of come-uppance where the bias of the media was laid bare for all to see.  It's been glorious.

Extra fun - Babylon Bee: "Dems Rush To Defend Kavanaugh After He Puts On Joe Biden Mask."


  1. "Metrics"1:44 AM

    People here seem irked by seeing the polling numbers, and it's only April. I hadn't even mentioned that that new high Gallup poll margin Trump had risen to amid so much excitement three weeks ago has already withered by 15%. Coincidentally, in just three weeks.

    I also didn't mention that Senator Thom Tillis trails in the latest poll by 7%, because I know rough tough conservatives need a trigger warning for those kinds of results. So, no polls.

    Because it's time for first quarter FUNDRAISING!

    Over the first three months of the year, Democratic challengers outraised Republican incumbents or the entire GOP fields in Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Georgia, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Montana, North Carolina and South Carolina.

    Majority Leader Mitch McConnell released his legitimately strong Q1 numbers early, to boast about his fundraising dominance. Then he got topped... by more than $5 million. Oops.

    And so, Moscow Mitch's Super PAC was then forced to reserve $11 million of television ads in Kentucky. The state that just elected a Democratic governor by 5,000 votes. That’s $11 million that won’t be available for coworkers Ernst, Tillis, McSally, Daines, Collins, etc, nor for Republican House candidates in swing districts. Which is for the best, since Mitch McConnell hates socialism.

    Up in Maine, Sara Gideon beat Susan Collins' fundraising total by $4.5 million. Ouch. With the workout Susan’s furrowed brow is getting, it’s going to be able to bench 500 pounds by the time this is over.

    Montana's term-limited Governor Steve Bullock raised more in the three weeks since he belatedly entered the Senate race than incumbent Republican Senator Steve Daines did in the entire quarter. Not just a little more money, either. About two and a half times more. In less than one-fourth the time.

    Remember Tillis? While he was busy slipping further in the polls, his challenger more than doubled the beleaguered Senator's cash take.

    Arizona’s Mark Kelly’s fiscal rout continues uninterrupted. He crushed "Senator" Martha McSally once again, and already has twice as much money on hand than the temp from Tempe.

    Sen. Cory Gardner: outraised. Sen. Lindsey Graham: outraised. Sen. Dan Sullivan: outraised. Both Sen. Kelly Loeffler and Doug Collins: outraised. The entire GOP field in Kansas: outraised by one candidate. The entire GOP field in New Mexico: outraised by one candidate. The entire GOP field in Alabama: outraised by one candidate. The entire GOP field in New Hampshire: outraised by one candidate.

    However, Texas' John Cornyn pulled in $1.1 million more than his Democratic challenger. See, there's one raspberry amid all those succulent cherries I've picked.

    Wasn't that nicer than the polls?

  2. That's adorable.

    "Through Feb. 2020, Trump and the Republican National Committee have raised approximately $459 million combined, according to an NBC News Political Unit deep dive into the FEC filings. By comparison, Biden and the Democratic National Committee have raised $203 million during that same time period – so less than half of the Trump-RNC haul."

    But Americans are going to drive out to the polls for *other* Democrats in November, fer sher.

  3. You Know The Thing!12:25 PM

    The only relevant question at this point is not "What do the polls say?", but "How can the Democrats let this go on?"

  4. He's not even speaking extemporaneously, he's READING FROM NOTES.

    The NY Times noted that his YouTube videos barely scrape together 10,000 views. Nobody has ever been excited for this guy.

  5. "Metrics"4:42 PM

    That's adorable.

    No, it's inarguable, formidable, and continual.

    "Through Feb. 2020, Trump and the Republican National Committee have raised approximately $459 million combined, according to an NBC News Political Unit deep dive into the FEC filings. By comparison, Biden and the Democratic National Committee have raised $203 million during that same time period – so less than half of the Trump-RNC haul."

    Enjoy it now. The Democratic field of candidates outraised Trump by three times, an unprecedented ratio for an incumbent president. And Joe Biden only became the final candidate last week.

    Not that donors couldn't see it coming. Joe Biden's campaign raised $44 million in February, and another $33 million in the first two weeks of March. Whereas the Trump campaign raised $46 million in the fourth quarter.

    Also unmentioned is the DCCC, which has ~$30 million more cash on hand than the RCCC. No wonder so many GOP House members have quit.

    Very unmentioned is ActBlue, which has blown past the DNC in the bid for bucks, and is projected to raise three billion dollars for Democratic candidates. WinRed is hoping for one-fifth of that.

    Democrats are going to raise more money this cycle. (That wee $2 billion edge for ActBlue is going to be a little tough to climb over.) And the 2020 map has Republicans playing defense. Good combination.

    But Americans are going to drive out to the polls for *other* Democrats in November, fer sher.

    They lined up for hours in the cold, during a pandemic, to overwhelmingly vote out a Wisconsin state judge.

    So far, 2018, 2019 and 2020 have rudely rebutted your performative skepticism. But keep on like the Shawshank Redemption, and hope. Hope is a good thing, Red, maybe the best of things.

    Besides, fundraising is just one minor data point. Be happy that your Trump and the GOP are miles ahead on national polling, battleground state polling, coronavirus polling, the generic Congressional ballot, the Senate map, personal approval rating, the last midterm, and the subsequent 2019-20 election results.

    And if all else fails, there's always Trump's ace in the hole, the strong economy.

  6. "The Democratic field of candidates outraised Trump by three times, an unprecedented ratio for an incumbent president."

    Way to lump in Bernie and Buttigieg with Biden, who trailed every major candidate in the field in fundraising and had virtually no cash on hand. There's no enthusiasm for Sleepy Joe, everybody's second or third choice, and his paltry money haul proves it. In several primary states, Trump got more votes than Biden even though Trump's candidacy was never in question.
    But a Wisconsin state judge.

    Keep whipping those polls: "Cook Political Report: Democrats to retake Senate" - dateline October 2016.

  7. Look, Fat...9:09 PM

    The only pressing question is not, "What kinds of war chests are the candidates raising?", but rather, "How can the Democrats let this go on?

  8. "Metrics"9:21 PM

    "No enthusiasm for Biden (*serious)... But a Wisconsin state judge (*dismissive)." Oofa. Think about the logical problem for a while. Think hard until the dimmer goes off.

    "An unopposed president sometimes got more votes than a candidate competing against 1 to 11 opponents... and not just in one primary, but in several!"

    It would be inhumane to beat on this muffed shot with the ferocity it deserves.

    Way to lump in Bernie and Buttigieg with Biden

    You know, they also tallied the fundraising numbers for "Obama vs the Republican field," "Bush vs the Democratic field," "Clinton vs the Republican field" (etc) for perfectly sound reasons.

  9. "Hey, man, ya got any more of those polls?"

  10. O'Biden-Bama10:16 AM

    "An unopposed president sometimes got more votes than a candidate competing against 1 to 11 opponents... and not just in one primary, but in several!"

    Also, "An unopposed president sometimes got more votes than the previous unopposed president... and not just in one primary, but in a slew!"

  11. "Metrics"5:16 PM

    And boys and girls, that's how Donald Trump won the 2012 presidential election.

    It's not apparent how those normal, standard political comparatives are to be overlaid upon the November election vote totals, but no mind. The point is, just imagine if Sleepy Joe Biden had gotten the same number of 2020 primary votes in New Hampshire and Alabama that Donald Trump did. With that kind of boost, Biden would be leading the national polls by 14 or 15% now, instead of just 7 or 8%.

    But I like that you still have some fight in you, prowling for 2020 numbers that aren't hurtful. It's only natural that in a famine, your alleged opposition to cherry-picking would soften.

  12. "Metrics"5:59 PM

    The latest ActBlue numbers have been announced: $533 million in the last three months. The average donation: 30 dollars.

    But Americans are going to drive out to the polls for *other* Democrats in November, fer sher.

  13. President "My Boss"6:16 PM

    Don't let your little mind be bothered by a shocking display of the enthusiasm gap between Trump 2020 and Muh'Bama 2012.

    Just keep on imagining fantasy conditions in which Sleepy Joe has a lead of 7% or 8% or 14% or 15%...Pick any number you want.

    Then tell me you would feel secure with that lead once the campaign begins and the American people see how Biden presents, and they start asking, "How can the Democrats let this go on?"

  14. "Metrics"9:59 PM

    Shouldn't you whiz kids be coming off one prediction that came true in the past two years, before being so fake cocky about your newest penny toss into the wishing well?

  15. Practical Things!1:30 PM

    How's this for a prediction:

    The response to the country saying, "How can the Democrats let this go on?" Will be for a conclave of Democrat leaders, including President My Boss, to do the slow walk to Biden's office and "convince" him to step down for the good of the country and the party, and for them to select a replacement for him.

    What say you?

  16. "Metrics"5:42 PM

    I agree with Viking Pundit: Joe Biden will never make it past Nevada.

  17. "Metrics"12:28 AM

    Donald Trump's fundraising, Q1 2020: $34 million

    Joe Biden's fundraising, Q1 2020: $74 million

    Donald Trump's fundraising, March 2020 only: $13.6 million

    Joe Biden's fundraising, March 2020 only: $46.7 million

    Biden also outraised the entire Republican field.
