Saturday, April 11, 2020

Oh that's not news

PJ Media: "Biden Sexual Assault Accuser Files Complaint with D.C. Police."

This is just a ploy for attention since the alleged crime is way past the statute of limitations.  But in filing a report, Tara Reade has done something that poor Christine Blasey-Ford has never done.  Can the media keep ignoring this story, given the oceans of ink spilled over Brett Kavanaugh?


  1. "Metrics"3:12 PM

    YouGov: Biden 49%, Trump 40%
    Quinnipiac: Biden 49%, Trump 41%

    UNF: Biden 46%, Trump 40%... in Florida.

    Selzer: Generic ballot: Democrats 50%, Republicans 41%

    Rasmussen (!): Trump approval 43%, Trump disapproval 56% (-13%)

  2. Enjoy those polls.

  3. "Metrics"3:46 PM

    Oh, I do. President Virus is much less likely to rise from the dead, on Easter or on Election Day, than Christ of Nazareth. It's less "I am with you always," and more "It is finished."

    And unsurprisingly, the liberal Attack Trump fake media has been acknowledging this Biden story, according to the most cursory search on Lying Google. No story has been getting "oceans of ink" except the pandemic.

    Today's New York Times article about Tara Reade's claim is likely to prove the truism that you can get exactly what you want, yet still not be satisfied.

  4. Yes, I saw the NY Times used the same reasoning for Joe Biden that they used for Catholic priests.
    There's no pattern there: he's a Democrat/man of the cloth. Therefore it didn't happen.
    The ol' Ralph Northam absolution.

  5. "Metrics"8:06 PM

    Your desire not to elect a sexual predator as president is touching, though belated.

    As for Ralph Northam, he certainly bent Donald Trump over and #MeToo'd his voluminous ass today.

    Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam announced Sunday that he signed a series of new measures into law aimed at expanding access to voting in the commonwealth.

    The new legislation will establish Election Day as a holiday, remove the requirement that voters show a photo ID prior to casting a ballot, and expand early voting to be allowed 45 days before an election without a stated reason.

    The new legislation also repeals the current Lee-Jackson day holiday which honored Robert E. Lee and Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson as "defenders of causes."

  6. Good ole Coonman! You can always depend on him and his lieutenant governor, who has the benefit of being black *and* a Democrat, which is helpful when you're accused by two different women.

    How is E. Jean Carroll doing nowadays? Funny how the Left abandoned her "case."

  7. "Metrics"2:25 PM

    "Cases" are smear jobs. "Ploys for attention" are newsworthy.

    This should cheer you up. A shiny new poll out today has Trump leading Biden by 5% in Utah!!!

    Sure, Trump won Utah by 18% last time, and Romney won it by 32%. But in 2020, poll beggars can't be choosers.

  8. "Muh polls. Muh polls are going to save me!" - people born after November 2016.

  9. "Metrics"7:04 PM

    "Muh Tara Reade police filing! Muh criminal complaint that omits Joe Biden's name."

    Probably wisely.

    The generic ballot is now up to 8% for the Democrats, the highest of the election cycle. That's less than a percentage point away from the vote margin in the disappointing 2018 blue trickle.

    Another poll out today has Biden up by 9% in Michigan. He's leading in Wisconsin, too. Tragically, Biden's too dementia-ridden to know it.

    Shame about Utah, but we can't have everything.

    You should chime in whenever you see a poll with results you like. I feel like I'm doing a soliloquy.

  10. "Metrics"7:42 PM

    The votes are mostly in for the Wisconsin pandemic voter suppression election. The Democratic challenger for the Supreme Court seat is declaring victory.

    Muh, muh, muh...

  11. "Muh polls" - people born after November 2016.

    Funny how the prediction markets, where people bet real money, never change.

  12. "Metrics"9:49 PM

    "It wasn't a blue wave!" - people who'd already been submerged by the blue wave

    It was simply muh-velous.

  13. Let me know when you're going to place some $ on 2020.

    I need the cash.

  14. "Metrics"3:04 PM

    Uh huh, and how much have you got in those sanctified prediction markets? Dude, what are you waiting for? Betting on Trump and holding the Senate and taking back the House is free money!!
