Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Listen to the scientists

Reason: "Happy Earth Day: A Reprise of Failed Doom" - "A trip down memory lane of failed Earth Day predictions past."

Scientific American, March 1998: "The End of Cheap Oil" - "Global production of conventional oil will begin to decline sooner than most people think, probably within 10 years."



  1. "Metrics"8:14 PM

    Fox News:
    Biden 50% to 42% in Pennsylvania
    Biden 49% to 41% in Michigan

    Biden 46% to 42% in Florida

    Trump's approval 44%, disapproval 55%
    Trump's approval 43%, disapproval 54%
    Trump's approval 42%, disapproval 57%

    If today is like any day thus far in 2020, Joe Biden outraised Donald Trump again in campaign contributions.

  2. "Metrics"9:03 PM

    Detail from the above Quinnipiac poll:

    Florida voters, aged 65 and older:
    Biden 52%
    Trump 42%

    In 2016, Trump won Florida seniors by a 17% margin.

  3. Anonymous10:46 PM

    Making fun of scientists... yet you're going to enthusiastically vote to reelect a man who wanted to nuke the hurricanes, insists that windmills cause cancer, says global warming is a Chinese hoax, and thinks vaccines cause autism but suggests injecting people with disinfectant to stop the coronavirus.

    Because Joe Biden is mentally shaky.

  4. Well, Biden is mentally shaky - you didn't get the memo?

  5. Oh good, more polls of registered voters who won't actually vote for Biden.

  6. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Since no one loves you enough to tell you, the task falls to me. Rolling your own feces into little balls and eating them isn't a memo.

  7. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Don't listen to the scientists.

  8. Joe Biden yesterday: "What can we do to aggress climate change?"

    Oh yeah, he'll make it to November. That "draft Cuomo" thing is just a ruse.

  9. Here's one from April 18-20, 2016:

    NBC/WSJ/Marist poll: PA Ballot - @HillaryClinton 54 - @realDonaldTrump 39

  10. Today's NY Times: "[Biden] leads Mr. Trump by just nine percentage points among Florida voters under 35, a relatively weak edge compared with Mrs. Clinton’s lead of 22 percentage points among this group in a Quinnipiac poll at this point in 2016."

    Muh polls!

  11. "Metrics"4:01 PM

    Joe Biden yesterday: "What can we do to aggress climate change?"

    Demented old Joe said aggress instead of address!

    On the same day, Trump said we should try injecting people with disinfectants to scrub their lungs, and maybe insert sunshine into them.

    Today, Trump and the White House have offered three separate explanations (so far) about how he didn't say it at all, or didn't say it that way, or did say it that way but sarcastically. Oh, that Biden, what a hot mess!

    Oh yeah, he'll make it to November.

    First Nevada, now November. What do you have against the letter N? Biden had better not go to a Nathan's; he'll never make it out.

    NBC/WSJ/Marist poll: PA Ballot - @HillaryClinton 54 - @realDonaldTrump 39

    The other 4/20/16 poll by GWU had Clinton leading by 3%, which was dead on. Not that you'd ever cherry-pick, for t'would be the most monstrous of acts.

    Belittling the bad polls didn't help you in the elections of 2018. Or in 2019. Or thus far in 2020. But yuh total reversal is just around the corner!

    Perhaps the same corner that Trump's prosperity is just around. New CBO estimates out today:

    - Projection of Q2 GDP: drop of 39.6% annualized.
    - Projection of 2020 GSP -5.6%
    - Projection of 2020 unemployment 11.4% (peaking at 16% in Q3)
    - Projection of 2021 unemployment 10.1%

    The CBO had terrible deficit and debt projections, too... but while a Republican occupies the presidency, conservatives don't give a crap about that.

  12. Those numbers are terrible. Which Trump policies bought us to this calamitous state?

    "The other 4/20/16 poll by GWU had Clinton leading by 3%, which was dead on."

    "Dead on" must be code for "lost anyway."

  13. "Metrics"2:11 AM

    Those numbers are terrible. Which Trump policies bought us to this calamitous state?

    So defensive. It's not Trump's fault that the economy has collapsed. It's a silver lining that if the economy had to collapse, at least it has done so with exemplary reelection timing.

    "Dead on" must be code for "lost anyway."

    Shouldn't you be putting every dollar you have into the betting markets for Trump?

  14. "Shouldn't you be putting every dollar you have into the betting markets for Trump?"

    What kind of odds will you give me?

  15. "Metrics"4:00 PM

    Very bad ones, since Trump's reelection is a cinch.

    NY Times, Sept 28, 2016: Prediction Markets Score the Debate a Rout: Clinton Over Trump
    The Street, Nov. 7, 2016: Prediction Markets Point to Likely Hillary Clinton Victory

    "Likely Clinton Victory Over Trump" must be code for "lost anyway."
