Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Listen to the NY Times

Link via Hot Air: "Biden Should Pick Stacey Abrams As VP."

Yes!  Do it, Joe.  Pick a failed State Representative from Georgia to almost certainly replace you once dementia takes hold.  Choose the person who still hasn't conceded the GA governor's race.


  1. "Metrics"9:47 PM

    Maricopa County in Arizona primarily consists of Phoenix.

    In 2012, Mitt Romney won Maricopa County by 10%.

    In 2016, Donald Trump won it by 3%.

    In new polling, Joe Biden leads Trump there by 13%.

    Muh, muh, muh.

  2. "Muh polls" - so meaningful 7 months out!

  3. IIRC, the 'polls' had Brexit failing and Hillary winning in 2016. But Maricopa County's gonna go for Biden (and the female sumo wrestler) - yippeeeee!

  4. Anonymous9:33 AM

    He quotes his cherry-picked polls, and will no doubt mechanically continue to do so.

    But you can tell his heart's just not in it.

  5. "Metrics"2:35 PM

    The temp from Tempe, Senator McSally losing by 9% in today's new Arizona poll...

    Kobach trailing in today's Kansas poll (!)...

    Andrew Cuomo's approval on handling the coronavirus is literally twice that of Donald Trump's. Trump's virus approval is lower than George W Bush's on Katrina...

    I know they say everyone is putting on weight during the quarantine, but these polls have me feeling stuffed!

    Republicans are feeling stuffed, too... but in a different orifice.

    He quotes his cherry-picked polls

    As you know too well, when it comes to 2020 polling, life is just a bowl of cherries.

    Hey, how's that Soleimani approval bounce coming?
