Thursday, April 30, 2020

Demand the investigation, Morning Joe

Ahead of Joe Biden's softball interview with Morning Joe tomorrow, it's time to review Joe Scarborough's many strident tweets about Brett Kavanaugh.  Gonna be a good time.


  1. "Metrics"9:26 PM

    "Tara Reade will save us!"

    Muh tit for tat.

    Fer sher.

    YouGov: Trump approval minus-11%
    Ipsos: Trump approval minus-11%
    Morning Consult: Trump approval minus-10%
    Emerson: Trump approval minus-9%
    Suffolk: Trump approval minus-10%

    PPP: Biden 50%, Trump 42% in Michigan
    PPP: Biden 47%, Trump 46% in Texas
    Baldwin Wallace: Biden 45%, Trump 44% in Ohio
    Garin-Hart-Yang Biden 48%, Trump 45% in North Carolina
    Survey USA: Biden 50%, Trump 45% in North Carolina

    Suffolk: Biden 50%, Trump 40% nationally
    Emerson: Biden 54%, Trump 46% nationally

    Various: The generic Congressional ballot: Dems by 8%; Dems by 9%; Dems by 7%; Dems by 8%; Dems by 10%; Dems by 11%...

    Trump on Friday: "I am NOT fucking losing to Joe Biden!"

    Trump today: "And there was never a person that needed a ventilator that didn’t get one in any state. Not one person that needed a ventilator. So we didn’t say, 'He didn’t get a ventilator, and somebody passed away. Somebody didn’t make it.' ...I think we did a spectacular job."

  2. Sounds like Trump is a goner. What kind of odds are you laying down?

    I want some of that action.

  3. This Never Happened10:45 AM

    Biden 50%, Trump 42% in Michigan Yikes!

    Biden 47%, Trump 46% in Texas Splat!

    Biden 50%, Trump 40% nationally Ouch!

    How can the Biden wave be resisted? And yet, I'm struck by the fascinating irony of knowing that you feel more angst and insecurity over these numbers than I do. Your solution to that is to regurgitate numbers frenetically enough that you will finally feel confident about the blank slate's chances. Somehow, it just doesn't work. I recommend quadrupling down.

  4. "you feel more angst and insecurity over these numbers than I do"

    Um, no. I really don't. Cling tight to these early polls.

  5. Mucho Angst12:22 PM

    That post was in response to the poll-monger's comment, not yours.

  6. "Metrics"1:17 PM

    I recommend quadrupling down.

    Trying to regain a sense of control over untenable numbers, eh? By playacting that my next set of polls will be posted at the bemused puppet master's beck and call? Oh no! Now it's heads you win, tails I lose!

    There's no need for your bluffing, or your mindless mind games. Remember, "you are NOT fucking losing to Joe Biden!"

  7. I lost track of this thread.

    Oh well.

    "Washington (CNN)Hillary Clinton's odds of winning the presidency rose from 78% last week to 91% Monday before Election Day, according to CNN's Political Prediction Market."

  8. "Metrics"3:18 PM

    Demented sex grifter Joe Biden is safely winning Pennsylvania by 6% in yet another poll. But this poll's better, because among voters who say they have been hurt financially by the pandemic, Biden's lead expands to 54% to 38%.
