Friday, April 24, 2020

Consider them marked

Hot Air: "Biden: “Mark My Words” — Trump Will “Try To Kick Back The Election Somehow” From November."  "Mark my words: This is sheer idiocy, and anyone propagating it is either an idiot or someone pandering to idiots. Maybe the media should ask Biden to clarify to which of these categories he belongs."

The media doesn't do Democrats. 


  1. Anonymous4:10 PM

    Robert Costa, today:
    "Great question," President Trump says, when asked if the November election's result could be questioned if the pandemic remains a major problem in some parts of the nation.

  2. 20 Moves Ahead5:11 PM

    This shows the kind of three-dimensional chess Trump is playing. First, he arranges for as many Democrats as possible to chug Clorox and mainline Lysol. The pilot program for this strategy was when he instructed Americans to obtain and eat any form of chloroquine they can find. Then sure enough, we heard of that Democrat activist who got her husband to eat fish tank poison and die.

    As he sets up that voter roll modification, he simultaneously moves the Overton window to insure that his indefinite postponement of the elections, should he choose that way of cementing his continuance in office, will be accepted fatalistically by the people. He even had someone train Biden to emerge and announce that it is indeed already certain the President will do exactly that.

    All this while maintaining the backup plan where Joe "Fingers" Biden has to withdraw for non compos mentis, leaving the Democrats in disarray, and preventing Trump from having to overcome Memory Care Joe's mammoth lead in the race for the presidency.


  3. Anonymous1:54 AM

    So you're terrible at doing predictions and satire. Maybe you're good at bowling?

  4. Let Them Eat Artisanal Gelato9:07 AM

    "If it saves one life, we must continue to postpone the elections."

  5. Anonymous11:05 AM

    The Babylon Bee said they appreciate your considering them, and on the way out you can pick up your submission at the front desk.
