Tuesday, March 31, 2020

The media is garbage, continued

Federalist: "Media Freaks Out On ‘MyPillow’ CEO Mike Lindell For Encouraging Americans To Read The Bible."

More - From Instapundit


  1. Let's go Yankees10:43 PM

    So true! Everyone felt it was normal, competent leadership to ask the TV pillow man to speak at the podium of a press conference about the federal response to an exploding pandemic... UNTIL he mentioned the Bible.

    Someone at the White House — perhaps its primary occupant — used his finite working time during a catastrophic health crisis to arrange for an infomercial spokesman who sells pillows to share his relevant thoughts about how God elected Trump.

    Any media outlet pointing out the moronic lunacy, THEY'RE the problem. They're garbage.

    While emergency doctors at hospitals are now being given New York Yankee ponchos to protect them from fatal infection.


    Perhaps that person's finite White House working time was misspent, what do you think?

  2. Let's go Yankees10:44 PM

    "The media is garbage," literally:


  3. Mike Lindell is retooling his whole factory to produce masks to help those doctors. But because they don't have all the PPE they need, "boo!" on him and his conspicuous Christianity.

    If he was a Muslim kid who claimed he made a clock for the doctors, the mainstream media would have had a collective orgasm.

  4. Let's go Yankees5:34 PM

    You know that Pillow Guy's "conspicuous Christianity" is not the problem. Even that crank Federalist article omits any example of the freaked-out garbage media attacking his faith or his Bible.

    But in the merciful spirit of Christ, I will pray for you to recover from the longest-lasting case of Clock Boy PTSD in medical annals.
