Sunday, March 01, 2020

The fightingest fighter who ever fought is gonna fight and fight

Warren is going to stay in the fight to the bitter end.  Fox News: "Warren declares contested Democratic National Convention the 'final play'."
In a head-turning memo Sunday, Sen. Elizabeth Warren's campaign declared that "the reality of this race" is that "no candidate will likely have a path to the majority of delegates" at the July Democratic National Convention in Milwaukee, Wis. -- setting out in stark terms the possibility of a bruising convention that party leaders have long feared, and outlining Warren's strategy for winning the presidential nomination there in a dramatic "final play."
Also from the anti-Warren Legal Insurrection: "Warren Goes #StopBernie – Lashes Out After SC, Vows Convention Fight."  So now she's going after Bernie after burning up all her ammunition on Bloomberg in the last two debates.

The fact that Warren is now planning to stretch out her zombie campaign all the way to the convention doesn't surprise me at all.  Her whole schtick - first in Massachusetts and now nationally - is that she's a fighter who fights.  She couldn't possibly stop fighting until the fight is fought.

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