Thursday, March 05, 2020

Nevertheless, she desisted

I've been waiting months to make that joke.  But remember: it's not that Elizabeth Warren was a singularly bad candidate.  It's that Democrats are sexist and insecure:
That's right, Democrats. If you didn't support Elizabeth Warren for whatever reason -- her ridiculous policies, her established pattern of brazen lying about her own history, her off-putting personal affect, the awful grating sound of her voice as she hectors you for trying to live your life -- it's because you're insecure.

Please note that none of this applies to any woman who has ever run for political office as a Republican. It's not insecure to vote against those women for any reason. After all, they're Nazis!
Warren was, to borrow a phrase, a congenital liar.  She lied about her heritage, her son's private school, getting fired for being pregnant and almost certainly for Bernie's alleged comment about saying that women couldn't win.  Her public policies bent towards tyranny whether it was the wealth tax, throwing Americans off their health care, or eliminating the filibuster (somehow).  It's not misogyny to state that an unlikable candidate with terrible policy proposals should lose.

1 comment:

  1. Good f'n riddance - a thoroughly detestable woman who has less charm and likability than Hillary Clinton, if you think such a thing's possible. If I was married and went to central casting to find the archetype mother-in-law from hell, they would send me this broad.
