Saturday, March 28, 2020

All is proceeding as foreseen

David Harsanyi: "Will Biden live up to his own principles?"  With regard to Tara Reade, that is.
Surely, as with Kavanaugh, the existence of the accusation is disqualifying?

Apparently not, for ideals of justice seem to be quite malleable these days. Journalistic norms, too. The same media that relayed every unsubstantiated and tawdry rumor during the Kavanaugh confirmation, and that happily transmitted the Michael Avenatti–produced gang-rape smear, is treating Reade’s story quite differently. Why, we might ask, isn’t Reade receiving the same coverage as E. Jean Carroll, a woman who accused Donald Trump of assaulting her in 1995 or 1996 at a Bergdorf Goodman store in Manhattan? Virtually every major news organization let Carroll tell her story. Reade has been trying to tell hers for decades. Believe women?
This was all predicted during the Kavanaugh smear: that a Democrat would be accused and the mainstream media would shrug it off.  We are not surprised.

For the record, I don't believe this allegation at all.  But I don't get to make that decision.  It was Biden and the Democrats who decided that the mere presence of an allegation in this #MeToo world was enough.  As Harsanyi notes in detail: these are the rules the Democrats set.

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