Tuesday, February 04, 2020

It's 62% Pete

Hot Air: "The (Partial) Results Of The Iowa Caucus! Update: Buttigieg 26.9, Sanders 25.1, Warren 18.3, Biden 15.6."

There are so many stories that demonstrate what a train wreck this has become: 1) it makes the Democrats look completely inept, 2) the Bernie Bros will flip out because they currently lead in the popular vote but are trailing in the delegate count, 3) Joe Biden got his ass whipped and his vote count went down on the second ballot and 4) turnout was low.

Depending on how the final count goes, there's a very real chance that Sundown Joe could finish fifth behind Amy Klobuchar.  That would make me so happy.

Extra - Washington Examiner: "Come on, we basically know how Iowa voted: Against Biden."

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