Saturday, January 04, 2020

Total recall for Biden in 2020

Real Clear Politics: "What to expect in 2020: Five predictions"
Every politician with a long career must confront the evolution of their political views, and Joe Biden is no different, especially since he’s been on the national stage longer than most. He's already apologized for a long-ago reference to a "partisan lynching," past collaboration with segregationist senators, and an angry confrontation with an 83-year-old Iowa farmer. Watch for the phrase "Biden apologizes" to explode in 2020.

On race, LGBT issues, women's rights and a host of other issues, the Joe Biden of the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s is out of step with today's Democratic Party, as are many  Democrats his age. But Biden’s bind is unique. His propensity for embarrassing gaffes, misstatements, and offensive comments makes him an opposition researcher's dream.
Here's where the compliant and biased mainstream media plays into Donald Trump's hands.  Since only Fox News is willing to ask Biden uncomfortable questions, Grandpa Joe is able to skate through these sparsely-attended Iowa meetings without any real challenge (with one notable exception.)

Now imagine the general election fight with Trump.  The first word out of Donald's mouth at the first debate will be "Hunter Biden" followed by a long, unexplored review of Joe Biden's many "legislative achievements" such as they are, from social issues to foreign policy where Joe is always wrong.  The media doesn't want to explore these issues but, brother, Donald Trump will.

Extra - This guys get it.  The Guardian: "Stop saying Biden is the 'most electable'. Trump will run rings round him."  "Did we learn nothing from 2016? Trump is savagely effective at destroying establishment politicians – and Biden would lose."


  1. Whereas no one is willing to ask Bernie Sanders uncomfortable questions about his rape essay.

  2. comethean10:21 AM

    In which a 1972 rape essay is of greater political import than multiple accusations of rape and assault, including from a spouse.
