Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Playing catch-up

I've literally been incommunicado (as in my cell phone was confiscated) all day.  So I'm getting caught up on the impeachment drama today.

All I know so far is that Chuck Schumer was on NPR Morning Edition this morning and he seemed taken aback when host Rachel Martin told him that Mitt Romney was backing Cocaine Mitch on the rules package.  Surprised by this revelation, Schumer accused Romney of either being ignorant or complicit in a coverup:
SCHUMER: Well, he either hasn't read it or he's gone along with this cover up, which I hope that isn't true.
Awww...sad trombone.


  1. Anonymous5:42 PM

    It was Moscow Mitch's turn to be taken aback a few hours later, when he was forced to make changes. Schadenfreude for everybody!

  2. Yes, instead of 2 12-hours sessions, he was "forced" into 3 8-hour sessions.

  3. Anonymous8:56 PM

    Democrats can't help but lie so much that they start to believe their own lies. Despite independent Mueller report that says otherwise, lets keep lying about who did what regarding Russia. But lets not mention 1.8 billion dollars on a plane that a democrat bragged about sending to Iran which helped fund and facilitate attacks on Americans.

    Democrats are stupid enough to think that the give free shit strategy to buy votes that works so well on the ignorant and lazy in the US would work similarly to buy off Iran.

  4. Anonymous9:09 PM

    You mean the intense Dem pressure intimidated him into giving them a whole extra day of presentation? That'll teach Cocaine who he's dealing with!

  5. Anonymous10:18 PM

    Raw Story:
    Trump's poll numbers have tanked in the last month — and even his supporters agree he broke the law

    Washington Post:
    "In both CNN and Monmouth polls, we get a remarkable result: more support for throwing Trump out of office than support for his administration.

    Alarmingly for Trump's reelection, that holds both in battleground states and in swing counties."

    Muh heh.

  6. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Wow, that must be a really important story, for you to repeat it in two current comment threads.

    And I especially loved the lefty screed headline in bold.

  7. Anonymous7:04 PM

    Oh, good, another poll.

  8. Anonymous9:57 PM

    Wow, that must be a really important story, for you to repeat it in two current comment threads.

    Look at you, complaining about (of all things) repetition. Heh. Heh. Kmart. Heh. Outlier. Up your game. Next five years. Next five years. Heh.

    Since the headline's true AND annoying, I think I'll keep it in bold and put it in caps:


    Oh, good, another poll.

    The sheer volume of polls delivering the same news must be painful and overwhelming.

    At least I would imagine so. Personally, I have no way of knowing how much they hurt.

  9. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Unfortunately and annoyingly for you and the truth-telling RAW STORY, Trump's approval numbers have been trending upward for over a year. That's despite investigations and impeachment.

    Yes, his disapproval numbers are also high. That's what you get with a once-in-100-years transformational president - he's going to be controversial in his own time.

  10. Anonymous4:20 PM

    "His negative numbers are GOOD!"

    Trump's approval numbers have been trending upward for over a year.

    Now I feel bad. I want to apologize for making fun of you. I didn't know you were blind and can't read charts.

  11. Anonymous7:06 PM

    I can't blame you for your skepticism. How could Trump's approval number have possibly increased for that whole period considering the investigations that went on into all his wrongdoings, and now his actual impeachment and trial? Yeah, I know.

    But I see your mistake. That line which makes you think I can't read charts - the one that drops from a high of 58% all the way down to the current 52.4% - the one that is colored red - is actually a chart of Trump's Disapproval number. I know, it's hard to tell that's what it is, what with the squiggly lines all over the place and with them being two colors which just adds to the confusion (I hear you on that one, brother). But those of us who can read charts would say that the Disapproval number during that period is in a "downward trend".

    Now, the number I was referring to, the Trump Approval number, during that same period of time actually goes UP from 37.2% to today's 44.3%, which you'll note is even after the TANKING OF THE LAST MONTH that Raw Story helpfully informed us of. That move, even though it occurred during lots of squiggly ups and downs (we could even say, "during lots of TANKING AND SURGING," lets us chart readers know that this is an "upward trend".

    Now, it's true that you might accuse me of cherry picking the dates for the beginning of the upward trend. But I didn't, really. The whole two year chart clearly shows 2 major trends. The first one had Trump's Approval plunge from a start of exactly the same value as it has today - isn't that an amazing coincidence! - down to its minimum value of the whole two years. A pretty scary drop!

    The second major trend is the one I cherry picked going from that point forward to today, which as you (or people who can read charts) can see, exactly reversed that entire move.

    So please, please don't feel bad. At least not about my ability to read charts.

  12. Those polls will remain unchanged throughout impeachment and the 2020 election.

    Keep telling yourself that.


  13. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Trump's approval numbers have been trending upward for over a year

    P.S. "Over a year" obviously meant two years!

    Okay, 24 months of RCP's version of Trump approval numbers:

    Jan 24-- 44.6%
    Dec 24-- 44.5%
    Nov 24-- 44.0%
    Oct 24-- 41.8%
    Sep 24-- 45.3%
    Aug 24-- 44.6%
    Jul 24-- 44.5%
    Jun 24-- 44.5%
    May 24-- 42.8%
    Apr 24-- 43.5%
    Mar 24-- 43.6%
    Feb 24-- 44.1%
    Jan 24-- 40.9%
    Dec 24-- 42.4%
    Nov 24-- 43.5%
    Oct 24-- 44.1%
    Sep 24-- 43.1%
    Aug 24-- 43.5%
    Jul 24-- 43.3%
    June 24-- 43.2%
    May 24-- 44.0%
    Apr 24-- 41.7%
    Mar 24-- 42.1%
    Feb 24-- 41.9%

    Just look at that upward trend!!

    [Trump's approval has gone up] despite investigations and impeachment.

    You think so? You might want to check your math vs. your investigations and impeachment calendar on that one. Maybe ask your seeing guide dog to do it for you.

  14. Anonymous6:19 PM

    You're right, I should have said "more than 2 years" instead of > 1 year. The chart clearly shows the change in trend occurring in mid-December 2017. But your random start date and view of data from the ¿24th? of each month instead of the chart's daily data is pretty fun, too.

    You can't actually be pretending you don't see the upward trend over the period of time from 12/16/2017. Or maybe things really are that desperate.

  15. Anonymous9:48 PM

    I posted the "random" 24th of the month date on January 24th, genius. If I did it today on the 29th, nothing would change.

    What a futile retort. You don't seriously imagine Trump's inert approval numbers will come to life if we switch to the 17th or the 3rd of the month, do you?

    Or maybe things really are that desperate.

    Desperation is, "I'm still correct! A dip and a rise back in 2017-18 represents a current trend."

    A trend so recent that one has to click a button to expand the RCP chart, just to make your needed endpoint appear.

    I agree with you on one point, though. The above numbers are fun. Incredibly fun, actually. There's nothing on that RCP chart that isn't fun, fun, fun.

    And the 538 chart is typically 2% more fun.

  16. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Your earnest yet ineffectual attempts to gaslight me are almost charming.

  17. Anonymous8:38 PM

    What a robust reply. Literally nothing.

    Your side's polls and "trends" are not encouraging. No amount of trolling can make them so. And the goodwill polling fix-it that you keep anticipating is running just a bit behind schedule.

    Three years in the books, and Trump's approval has still never been as high at any point of his presidency as the approval for impeaching him is. Troll that.

  18. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Trump will always know he was an impeached president, I'll always know Trump's approval was not as high as impeachment approval (which, along with $2.75, will buy me a Starbuck's coffee), and you'll always know Trump Sr. served two terms as your President and transformed the country.

  19. Anonymous8:22 PM

    What a robust reply. Literally nothing.
