Tuesday, January 07, 2020

Iran lobs some bombs

To no effect?  Hot Air is doing regular updates and at this writing there are no reported casualties.  It's now looking (this is speculative) that Iran threw some token missiles into the desert to say they've done something and now they're giving President Trump an "out" or an "exit ramp."

Richard Engel is reporting that Iran is indicating they'll invoking the rule of "Even Steven."  You hit us, we hit you, let's call the whole thing off.  If true, I really hope Trump pumps the brakes here.


  1. Anonymous9:33 AM

    If you're satisfied with letting Iran say, "We hit you, you hit us, we hit you, let's call the whole thing off," you're training them to be more aggressive in the future.

    You get more of what you enable.

  2. I'm of two minds on this. It would be nice if this leads to a deescalation. It's the first time in a while that the Iranian have gotten a bloody nose for what they've been doing. I'm not under the illusion that this will end their use of proxies to commit acts of war, but they may avoid doing it against US targets while Trump is President. If nothing changes internally in Iran, then I'd expect something to happen with whoever becomes the next President soon after inauguration.

  3. I dunno: the trade off seems to be a brutal terrorist for a handful of missiles that landed in the desert.

  4. Anonymous5:42 PM

    With no other cost, huh? "Isn't it pretty to think so?"

    Multiple news reports that Our Sniffing Retard told advisors that he needed to kill Suleinami to shore up some GOP Senators' impeachment votes.

    That checks out, though. The arrival of Pelosi's articles is finally "imminent."

  5. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Pace yourself, Kmart. That Sniffing Retard is going to be enjoying five more years as your Dumb President.

  6. Anonymous6:21 PM

