Monday, January 13, 2020

In a just world, this should be the end of Warren

Twitchy: "‘I thought a woman could win; he disagreed’: Elizabeth Warren issues a statement about her meeting with Bernie Sanders."

Long story short: the Warren campaign leaked that Bernie Sanders said the he didn't think a woman could win the Presidency.  Warren - a thoroughly known liar - confirmed it in a statement but then tried to wrap the whole mess in one of her campaign speeches.  I completely agree with Matt Walsh: I have "no dog in this fight between kooky socialists" but Warren handled this in the worst way possible by floating out the allegation and then claiming she's really focusing on bigger issues.  It's a slimy example of character assassination by innuendo.

Now I am going to watch tomorrow's debate for the fireworks.

Update: "Obama alumnus says Elizabeth Warren’s statement on Bernie Sanders was ‘essentially a suicide bomb’"


  1. Anonymous3:08 PM

    So offended!
    It's a slimy example of character assassination by innuendo.

    Donald J. Trump retweeted:

  2. Anonymous6:17 PM

    "Don't try saying Trump's tweet was just a parody when it hurts so much."

  3. Anonymous7:09 PM

