Wednesday, January 22, 2020

How's the clown show?

Hot Air: "Dems Must End This Sham Impeachment, Says … Former Clinton Adviser?"
Count Mark Penn among those unimpressed by the House Democrats’ impeachment of Donald Trump. Penn, who worked as Bill Clinton’s pollster during the 1998-9 impeachment and later on Hillary Clinton’s Senate and 2008 presidential campaigns, blasts Adam Schiff as a political hitman for Democrats angry over Donald Trump’s win in 2016. Americans may not like Trump or even the phone call to Volodymyr Zelensky, but Penn argues that it doesn’t come close to a reason to reverse an election and remove a president.
I'm convinced the Democrats forced this double-quick through the House at the tail end of 2019 because once the calendar hit 2020, Americans would ask "can't we just vote him out in the election this year?"  Can't let that happen.


  1. Anonymous10:05 PM

    Poll after poll after poll showing higher support for Trump's conviction and removal than for his generic presidential approval rating. Disapproval is higher still. That's the opposite of the predictions here about the damage impeachment was going to wreak upon the Democrats. But the righteous backlash is coming, you can just smell it.

    To answer your question, the clown show's GREAT!

    And the acquittal will be worth more than ActBlue's $3 billion.

  2. Anonymous9:19 AM

    That's how you're trying to comfort yourself these days? "This number is higher than that unconnected number."

  3. Anonymous3:25 PM

    No, the Demoncrats pushed this "Peach-Fo-Fi" to avoid the Third Branch of Government, the courts. They knew this political show of feces would be flushed if The Rule of Law ever got near it. So, the Demoncrat House Majority conspired to avoid the courts, sending letters of request with no force of Law behind them, not subpoenas, which do have the force of Law behind them but which require a full vote of the House to be issued, for Schiff & Nadler to create this faux-impeachment. But now, the Chief Justice is sitting at the head of the table, and if he's not royally p.o.'d with the House's treatment of his Branch, then he's a Democrat eunuch.

  4. Anonymous4:14 PM

    If there was an actual defense for Trump's actions, his lawyers would be giving it.

    Instead, they're stuck doing their version of the above posts about "lawless Demoncrats" and "polls, shmolls, victory will be ours."

  5. Anonymous4:46 PM

    The New York Times headline sums it up: On One Side, Piles of Evidence. On The Other, Heaps of Scorn.

  6. Oh good, another poll: "Trump approval ‘the best of his presidency': Gallup"

    But, of course, the NY Times article about piles of evidence surely has a review of all the hearsay witnesses concluded by Sondland who admitted *his* testimony was all presumptions.

    Hearsay and presumptions. This is the *entire* case. I know you won't contradict this but please - I beg you - no more polls.

  7. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Remember when Bill Clinton talking on a plane with Loretta Lynch was the speculative scandal of all scandals? Remember when it was beyond obvious that the IRS' Lois Lerner targeted conservatives? Remember "The Benghazi coverup"? Good times. Good times.

    But now, your skeptic-o-meter is fully juiced and cranked up to 11, and the Ukraine extortion and coverup is all "hearsay and presumptions." Sure, Jan.
