Friday, January 24, 2020

Even (checks notes) Chicago Democrats don't care

Seen at Twitchy:

1 comment:

  1. I know this will be really hard for you but i urge you to do this because this is the solution to your problem and also i know how much your lover mean to you and how you really want to be successful in life and leave a good life with him, you now know he has been under a spell that is why he is never committed to you and also you are the only one who know his problem and the solutions don't leave him in the hands of that wicked girl who want to take away your happiness and replace it with sadness, so do whatever you can to save your lover so that you both leave a good and successful life together... Just be glad the problem can be solved and also this affects your success in life and now i will really want you to come up with the money so that we can pay the other spell caster off i know you have already spent so much but just try all you can to come up with the money because this is definitely the last time you will send money but first i need you to understand that this money is not for me or my temple it for us to buy the other spell caster off from working for her.
