Saturday, January 18, 2020

Dragging out the Kavanaugh playbook

Byron York: "Can Democrats produce a daily impeachment show?"
From now until the trial is over, and perhaps beyond, Republicans expect Democrats to come up with some new something on a regular, if not daily, basis. GOP defenders are beginning to see the next month in the Senate not so much as an impeachment trial but as a replay of the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation hearings: a fait accompli that becomes a cliffhanger with new and progressively more spectacular allegations. None of them were true, but they threw Republicans on the defensive and plunged the confirmation into chaos for a while.

For Democrats facing an uphill climb in a Republican-controlled Senate, why not try the same thing at the very highest level, an effort to remove the president?
Save us Lev!  You're our only hope.


  1. Anonymous4:49 PM

    What kind of imbecile sees an equivalency between the Kavanaugh accusations and the Trump accusations? (Other than "Stop being so mean to us!")

    Save us Lev! You're our only hope.

    Grow up, Baby Yoda. Everyone knows Trump's not getting removed. This is about Senators Collins, and Gardner, and McSally, and Tillis, and Ernst, and...

    And that plan is going wonderfully.

  2. Oh goody, another poll which will totally be valid 10 months from now.

    The equivalency is that Democrats do a shoddy job and then drag out the whole ordeal with a drip-drip-drip of bogus allegations.

  3. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Powerful equivalency. You should let the Trump legal team know that you're available to fill in if Alan Dershowitz runs out the door to chase a high school bus.

    The polls sure were valid when you were confident that impeachment was going to hurt Democrats in the polls.

  4. "There's new evidence, totally" - every other day for a month.

  5. Anonymous9:23 AM

    The evidence is fake, the polls are fake, the news is fake... but Trump's innocence is real!

  6. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Notice the perfect logic of what you thought was a slapdown.

  7. Anonymous10:18 PM

    Your logic is as perfect as Trump's phone call.

    But not as perfect as muh polls.

  8. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Does a faint chill ever go through you in remembering that you took identical comfort from the "perfect" polls during 2016?

  9. Anonymous4:43 PM

    A faint one, yes. What thinking person wouldn't? Of course Trump could win again.

    But after the 1980 U.S. men's hockey team beat the Russians, people didn't believe it meant statistics didn't matter anymore.
