Monday, January 27, 2020

As it was predicted

Red State: "The Democrats Are Trying to Run a Kavanaugh Strategy at President Trump’s Impeachment Trial."  As it was foreseen.

It's anybody's guess where we go from here: it looks like Romney and Collins are prepared to vote for witnesses but Murkowski is not committing one way or the other.  It's a near-certainty that if the Senate does extend this farce with witnesses, that Hunter and Joe Biden will be on the list.


  1. What I don't get is this - Collins was so offended / pissed off by Nadler's douchebaggery on Thursday she wrote a letter to Roberts complaining about it. If you are in fact offended by it, why on earth would you seriously consider giving them a god damned thing, much less the gold medal prize they're looking for (witnesses - more shitshow grandstanding and douchebaggery) and saying so publicly ?

    I hope it comes down to a 50-50 vote with Pence casting the deciding vote, just to see these pricks' head's all explode.

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