Friday, December 20, 2019

Hurry up and wait

RedState: "What’s the Real Reason Why House Democrats Will Wait ‘As Long as it Takes’ to Send Articles of Impeachment to Senate? Eric Ciaramella."

I was on record for a long time predicting that the Democrats wouldn't go through with impeachment because it meant turning control over to Mitch McConnell's Senate.  And I was right!


  1. Anonymous1:05 AM

    "Pelosi doesn't have the votes" and "Dems are getting cold feet" secretly meant "Pelosi and the Dems will successfully impeach, but then withhold the articles from the Senate for fear of losing control"? Surrrre.

    Viking Pundit, Nov. 24: Apparently I'm the only person who thinks the House won't vote on Articles of Impeachment.

    (Spoiler: Democrats have gone through with impeachment.)

  2. Yes, I was wrong about the House going on this suicide mission.

    Or was I?!?

  3. Anonymous3:52 AM

    The Justice Department just argued in federal court on Thursday that the subpoenas for Don McGahn and Mike Pence are now moot because Donald Trump has been impeached. That's almost as legally compelling as what Allahpundit's friend says on a blog.

  4. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Since you approvingly quoted Noah Feldman's expert opinion questioning the status of Trump's impeachment, you presumably also agree with Feldman's statement to Congress that Trump's withholding the aid to Ukraine and tying its release to a Biden investigation constitutes high crimes and misdemeanors.
