Tuesday, December 03, 2019


It's early in the night and I just got home from work so there's stuff to catch up on.  But this caused a spit-take already: "Adam Schiff's report cites no bribery or high crimes - only tweets."
Notably, though Schiff and others attempted to argue that the president had possibly committed “bribery” by allegedly asking the president of Ukraine to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden in exchange for U.S. aid, there is no discussion of bribery whatsoever in the report — other than references to Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani’s claims that Biden might be guilty of bribery because his son was on the payroll of Ukrainian gas giant Burisma.
Emphasis mine.  I can't believe this clown show is going to go on much longer.  As I've predicted many times before, Nancy Pelosi is going to look for an escape with a censure resolution and put this political time bomb behind her.  Sending this to the Senate would be unthinkable.

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