Saturday, November 02, 2019

Then the unicorns appeared with the M4A money

Politico: "The issue that Obama alums think could doom Elizabeth Warren" - "The candidate has dug herself in a hole on a top-of-mind concern for voters."

Philip Klein: "Here's a list of $20.35 trillion of Elizabeth Warren tax hikes."

The reviews are in: "‘This is going to cause down-ballot damage’: Warren's $20 trillion health plan fails to quiet critics" - "The Massachusetts senator’s Medicare for All proposal is new ammunition for her rivals."

Because it's sheer fantasy:


  1. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Mexico will pay for it. The tax hikes will pay for themselves. Voters will take Warren seriously but not literally.

  2. Anonymous8:53 PM

    Keep it up. You make more sense than Squaw Warren, at least.

  3. She's got a plan for that3:47 PM

    You're in luck. FauxcahontasCare will cover your incurable butt-hurt.

  4. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Anyway, when does the post-ISIS good will that you were talking about start to kick in for Trump?

    Poll numbers on whether Trump should be impeached and removed (change in net points since fake House inquiry began):

    HarrisX: 50-38 (up +16)
    Gallup 52-46 (+15)
    CNN: 50-43 (+20)
    Quinnipiac: 48-46 (+22)
    Morning Consult: 48-43 (+18)
    Fox News: 49-45 (+10)
    ABC/WaPo 49-47 (+24)
    NBC/WSJ 49-46 (+9)

  5. Anonymous8:27 PM

    Wow, I've forgotten all about the fact this was a post criticizing Warren!

  6. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Wow, I forgot that considering two topics at once is hard work for the kind of minds that still support Donald Trump.

    By the way, that massive post-ISIS Trump approval bump you emphatically predicted has soared from 0.5% the other day to... 0.4%. (Too bad his disapproval rating is also up, and by more than that.)

    But I'm sure that liberal-crushing wave of Trump good will is just around the corner!

  7. Anonymous9:07 PM

    The opinion polls, just as they did in 2016, will save you.

  8. Anonymous10:10 PM

    You seem cranky, but how come? Those transcripts you wanted of the impeachment witness testimony have started to come out, just like you wanted! And from what I've seen, they're hilarious!

    Almost as funny as Republican alibis. Remind me: is today a "there was absolutely no quid pro quo" day? Or a "sure, there was a quid pro quo, but what's wrong with that?" day.

  9. the head of the IRS recently testified to Congress that there was more enforcement in the middle class and lower because it was easier. Tax laws are complicated and the average IRS agent cant understand the loopholes that higher brackets use to avoid taxes so they don't even try .

  10. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Remind me: is today a ...

    Today is a "show me the quid pro quo in the call transcript" day.

  11. Anonymous6:12 PM

    ^ Oooooh! Posted just two hours before today's news. Ouch.

    Sondland reverses himself on Ukraine, confirming quid pro quo
    A key figure in the Ukraine saga revised his testimony for impeachment investigators.

    It's true: Comedy is timing.

    But don't lose hope, dummy. Trump still says "No pro quo!"

  12. Anonymous8:58 PM

    I didn't say "show me a quid pro quo in the Sondland." Up your game.

  13. Anonymous11:53 PM

    Up your game.

    No... up yours. Also, up yours.

    Stop making excuses, bitch. You nontupled down on the lie. And you lost, with hilarious, humiliating speed. I didn't have to lift a finger.

    Are you always going to be a sucker? How many Trump takebacks are you going to let them ram up your ass before you wise up?

    After 10 months of unremitting events, haven't you learned yet that 2019 hates you?

  14. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Apparently, a nerve has been struck.

  15. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Is what a troll says.

    You're losing AND uncreative. Too bad about the Sondland, though the timing of your curb stomp was exquisite.

  16. Anonymous6:22 PM

    So, anyway, if we could please get back to the topic at hand which is Elizabeth Warren's M4A policy... how'd you like those election results?

    Kentucky's Bevin is getting all the attention, but Pennsylvania losing an area that had been under continuous Republican control since before the Civil War might be funnier.

    It's not all bad news, though; the Virginia GOP will get another chance at redistricting, if they can win in 2029.

  17. Anonymous8:39 PM

    how'd you like those election results?

    Since the Viking is on hiatus, how about if you write your own post on that? Just pretend it's going on the front page instead of underneath this comment. You can wax eloquent and pretend you have your own big-boy blog.

  18. Anonymous9:39 PM

    I'm sensing you didn't like those election results.

  19. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Big-boy bloggers don't put up posts that pathetic.

    Up your game.

  20. Anonymous7:54 PM

    I'm very strongly sensing you didn't like those election results.

  21. Anonymous9:01 PM

    Well, the two extra words helped a little, especially since they were power words, but I don't think any big-boy bloggers need to worry about the competition quite yet.

    Still, I did get some Viking Pundit readers together in a focus-group to get their reaction, so please take some encouragement from it...

  22. Anonymous1:21 AM

    I liked the election results on Tuesday evening.

    But I loved this on Tuesday afternoon:

    Today is a "show me the quid pro quo in the call transcript" day.

    Just out of curiosity, which one of those did you like more? The election results, or you getting kicked in the teeth by your own perfectly-timed foot?

  23. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Okay, the word count is improving, but this time the direction of the post is kind of scattershot. You start out in one direction and then suddenly veer off in another, unrelated one.

    So I need to ask you to give it one more shot. Remember to emphasize Clarity, Substance, and Logic. I'll expect it on my desk by tomorrow morning.

  24. Anonymous1:56 PM

    From "It wasn't a blue wave at all!" to "Russia is a hoax" to "America's going to rally around Trump for killing Al-bag-whatever, so suck it" to "There was no quid pro quo shakedown" to "Tee hee, my troll-fu posts and challenges are really getting under his skin," you're a wiz at assessing basic reality.

    In fairness, that last one may be attributable to the moron's whiplash and self-concussion you gave yourself Tuesday afternoon.

    2019 is so fun! And I'm starting to get a familiar warm feeling about 2020.

  25. Anonymous9:12 PM

    It's best not to let commenters of your posts know that their statements spin endlessly around in your head. It displays weakness, agitation, and lets the commenter know he owns you.

    And it makes this unsurprising and understandable:
    I'm starting to get a familiar warm feeling about 2020

    Have you tried Depends?

  26. Anonymous9:39 PM

    The man who just took it deep up his own quid pro hole on Tuesday shouldn't be making jokes about unsteady bowel control.

    Hey, how'd you like those election results? No need, I'll answer for you: Better than you're gonna like the public impeachment hearing.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    New Cook Report/Kaiser swing state poll:
    Michigan: 24% strongly approve of President Trump, 50% strongly disapprove
    Minnesota: 24% strongly approve, 49% strongly disapprove
    Pennsylvania: 26% strongly approve, 51% strongly disapprove
    Wisconsin: 26% strongly approve, 49% strongly disapprove

    Whoopsie, my Depends suddenly got 15 degrees warmer!

  27. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Polls, Tuesday Afternoon, and a plentiful supply of Depends will save you.

  28. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Why would I buy Depends, when I'm shitting all over you for free?

  29. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Ouch! The pain and sophistication of that mic drop is enough to convince me that you're now a Big Boy!

  30. Anonymous9:20 PM

    Mirror, mirror on the wall: It's best not to let commenters of your posts know that their statements spin endlessly around in your head. It displays weakness, agitation, and lets the commenter know he owns you.

    You literally brought Depends into this "debate" — twice — while pretending saying the word "Depends" was nailing me. Repeating your own flat lines isn't going to convince anyone that I'm not quicker and cleverer.

    Seriously, though, the Babylon Bee needs your stinging rightwing comedy. Why waste those "you're a gay homo"/"you make poo-poo in your pants" gems of yours here for 2 readers, when you could be delighting an audience of 9 or 10 people?

  31. Anonymous9:23 AM

    I'm afraid I'll have to defer to your therapist for an explanation of the above comment.

  32. Anonymous6:15 PM

    ...must've struck a nerve, I hereby challenge ye, I'm in your head, you've been pwned, incontinence, Xxx will save you, mic drop, therapist... it's good to know we can always "depends" on you for original comebacks.

    (You know, you don't actually have to check off EVERY box on your Troll Bingo card.)

    Anyhoo, how'd you like those elections?

  33. Anonymous8:53 PM

    I asked the therapist what your problem is.

    He said, "Depends."

  34. Orange Man Bad9:14 PM

    Killer stuff. Really fresh and unique. Now do the flashing red light on VCR machines. So annoying!

    And airline food. Maybe something about how it's not that good? But hey, I don't want to write your punchlines for you, you're the original comic mind here.

  35. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Airline food not good?

    Depends on the flight.
