Sunday, November 24, 2019

Sounds like obstruction!

Breitbart: "Schiff refuses to commit to testifying in Senate impeachment trial."

Apparently I'm the only person who thinks the House won't vote on Articles of Impeachment.  If the polls are to believed, the Soviet-era show trial was a flop and now the Democrats want to turn over control of the narrative to Mitch McConnell and the Senate?

Not only will the Republicans call Adam Schiff, they'll also have on deck the whistleblower Eric Ciaramella, Hunter Biden, and Alexandra Chalupa.  Maybe they can call the President of Ukraine who has consistently said that there was "no pressure" and that he didn't even know the military aid was delayed.

Meanwhile, millions of Americans will be getting a first look at Hunter Biden's sweetheart deal with Burisma while Pop was influencing Ukraine policy; an arrangement so obviously corrupt that the State Department tried to warn then-VP Biden.

Nancy Pelosi seems to think that, to borrow a phrase, since they can't go back the only way out is through.

Update - Hmmm: "WaPo Reporter: We’re Hearing Behind The Scenes That More House Dems Are Getting “Cold Feet” About Impeachment."


  1. Anonymous9:51 AM

    If the polls are to believed, the Soviet-era show trial was a flop

    The three most recent polls, in order:

    Morning Consult/Politico: 50% believe Trump should be removed from office, while 42% oppose removal. That is up three net points from their last poll, and up 21 net points since before Democrats began impeachment proceedings. Independents are plus-10%.

    SSRS: 48% support impeachment. 43% oppose, the same as a month ago. Independents are plus-5%.

    YouGov: 46% support impeachment, 38% oppose. 45%-42% for removal. That's up five net points from their last poll, and up 17 net points since since before Dems began impeachment proceedings. Independents are plus-6%.

  2. Cool. Democrats should totes go all-in on impeachment.

    "A top Democratic campaign consultant and former pollster for President Bill Clinton is pleading with party leaders to abandon plans to vote on the impeachment of President Trump or risk electoral disaster."

    Don't listen to that guy.

  3. Anonymous12:08 PM

    More impeachment polls are out. Those polls totes aren't listening to that guy, either.

  4. Anonymous9:01 AM

    I see the Compelling Rebutter is playing his game of poll one-upmanship as enthusiastically as he did during the 2016 presidential election.

    He's inducing once more a familiar sense of déjà vu all over again.


  5. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Assmussen thinks his tutorials on reckless assumption have value, despite his own instantly obsolete post whooping it up over a single impeachment poll.

    Your pet poll is keeping these numbers down.

    "Not a blue wave." Heh x 10,000.

  6. Anonymous9:36 PM

    Ah, the glory of the "blue wave", which you've certainly referenced 10,000 times.

    But I prefer enjoying the "vu wave".


  7. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Here on this chat, "the glory of the blue wave" gets part of its glory from your mulish jihad to dismiss the even larger wave of election indicators throughout 2018.

    But that flop was mostly about your wishing well going bone dry. The true absurdity was your delusional struggle to dismiss the actual event afterwards. "This can't be happening!" is more emotionally defensible than "This didn't happen!"

    Wrong before. Wrong after. Kinda undermines the force and clarity of your 2020 poll analysis: "This impeachment poll good. All the others, heh."

  8. Anonymous8:41 AM

    You incessantly mutter about the "blue wave" the way Dustin Hoffman muttered about Kmart in Rain Man. But it's time to call you out to provide evidence of my supposed "mulish jihad" concerning same.

    Your response will be: [Kmart,...Kmart]

    But to the larger issue of current polls. Your argument isn't actually with me, it's with those telling the WaPo reporter that Dems are getting cold feet on impeachment. Why don't you set them straight about "the three most recent polls, in order?"

    Oh, speaking about three polls, of the recent variety...

    Time to get your one-upmanship hat on again.


  9. Anonymous1:50 PM

    "Please ignore my inept forecasting (and postcasting) record. It's autistic to look back. Also, 2020 is 2016 all over again."

    "I was right about spotting the trend of declining impeachment polls. And I'll prove it with some other Trump approval cross-tabs. Please ignore the other part of the same poll I'm citing where 52% of all respondents say they 'definitely plan to vote against Trump.'"

    You are the Babylon Bee of poll analysis.

  10. Anonymous5:33 PM

    What - no triumphant cut-and-paste of my mulishly jihadic statements during 2018 where I excoriated the idea of a coming blue wave? And no gleeful recounting of the delusional struggle I went through to try to deny the wave afterwards?

    You was all just you lying? Who would have guessed!? But let's be kind and say you were indulging in some wishcasting into the past.

    And I admire your ability to not be bothered by that ominously increasing black and Hispanic support for Trump. Because, you know, stuff like that could mess with stuff like destiny demographics and stuff.


  11. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Whatever you say, Babylon Beavis. It must have been one of the other person who posts here who stood soaked on the shore, yelling "STOP!" at the wave that had already passed.

    Reading your analytic failures in real time doesn't oblige me to deliver book reports on demand. Even when the phrase "mulish jihad" sticks in your craw. But feel free to keep asking. It's funny when you keep asking.

    Back to the point, you were just kicked in the nuts by subsequent impeachment polling, after having gotten overexcited by the dramatic shift against Democrats you felt in your bones based on just a handful of polls. Now THAT was a wave worth acknowledging! (Strangely, you didn't mention the 17% black Trump approval from those impeachment polls.)

    This week, your big anti-impeachment "trend" has collapsed. So you've jettisoned those polls and jumped over to the "ominously increasing black and Hispanic support," again based on another handful of racial cross-tabs.

    But why bother to learn a lesson about being hasty? Not when there'll always be a new polling lifeboat to dry-hump next week, and the week after that.

  12. Anonymous8:56 PM

    It must have been one of the other person [sic] ...
    Oh... it was that person! Yeah, that's the ticket!

    But feel free to keep asking. It's funny when you keep asking.
    Not as funny as watching you run for the tall grass.

    And hey - good news for you there on the "collapse" of that "anti-impeachment 'trend'". Warming up those Democrats' cold feet should be a piece of cake now. Get on it.

    Heh, heh.

  13. Anonymous11:03 PM

    It must have been one of the other person [sic]

    "Sic"? You sure about that, Grammar Moses? In your haste to score a stupid point and type more heh's, you missed the joke. (To explain, this blog ain't exactly the San Diego Freeway at 8:30 AM.)

    A shocking misstep by the comedy aficionado from Babylon.

  14. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Wow, apparently I really sicced a bee up your bonnet!

    Sorry/not sorry.
    Sic semper tyrannis

  15. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Oops, forgot....


  16. Anonymous2:53 PM

    It's too bad Trump has ruined the word "Sad," because if there were ever a time to break it out...

  17. Anonymous3:07 PM

    and type more heh's [sic]...

    s/b "hehs".

