Monday, November 11, 2019

Somebody has been working the focus groups

Twitchy: "Rep. Lee Zeldin: Democrats’ new word of the day is ‘extortion,’ replacing quid pro quo."

Good luck with all that:
Volker said the problem with Schiff's scenario was that events did not unfold as he said. During the time in question, Ukrainian officials did not know that the U.S. aid was being withheld, Volker said; they learned that in late August, while the notorious Trump phone conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky was in late July. In addition, Volker explained, relations with the U.S. seemed to be good even though the Ukrainians did nothing that Trump mentioned in that call — no investigation and no public statement announcing an inquiry.
It will be interesting to see how Democrats pin extortion on Trump while excusing Joe Biden's very public threat to withhold $1 billion in aid to the Ukrainians until they fired their prosecutor.


  1. Anonymous8:59 PM

    Next up, the crime of "obstortion."

  2. Anonymous9:04 PM

    Rep. Lee Zeldin's vote margin dropped from 16% in 2016 to 4% in last year's not-wave election. Zeldin has bigger things he should be worrying about than nomenclature. Just ask NY Rep. Peter King, one of the other three — or as of today, two — Republican Representatives running for reelection in the state of New York (27 seats).

    Democrats’ new word of the day is ‘extortion,’ replacing quid pro quo.

    Ah, the new word of the day. But which day?

    New Yorker, Sep. 20: Did Trump Try to Extort the President of Ukraine Into Investigating Joe Biden?

    The Daily Beast, Sep. 20: If Whistleblower's Right, Trump May Have Committed Extortion

    Crooks and Liars, Sep. 20: Reports: Trump Tried To Extort Ukraine Into Investigating Biden

    Raw Story, Sep. 24: Pence knew about and actually participated in Trump's apparent extortion plot

    Vox, Sep. 27: Trump-Ukraine scandal: 4 possible crimes by Trump and his

    Vice, Sep. 28: Here Are 7 Crimes Trump Might Have Committed in This Ukraine Scandal (#4: Extortion)

    The Wrap, Oct. 2: Hillary Clinton Says Trump’s Ukraine Phone Call Indicates an Effort to ‘Extort’ the President of Ukraine

    Center for American Progress, Oct. 2: Trump’s Extortion of Ukraine: A Complete Government Shakedown

    Just Security, Oct. 3: Trump's Extortion of Ukraine Is an Impeachable Abuse of Power

    New York Magazine, Oct. 7: Trump's Ukraine Extortion Was Also a Mafia-Style Shakedown

    New Civil Rights Movement, Oct. 14: Bolton Blasted Trump’s Ukraine Extortion: ‘I Am Not Part of Whatever Drug Deal Rudy and Mulvaney Are Cooking Up’

    Mother Jones, Oct. 23: The Trump-Ukraine Scandal: More than a Quid Pro Quo, It’s Extortion

    Slate, Oct. 23: Taylor’s Testimony Goes Way Beyond Quid Pro Quo -- It demolishes Republican excuses for Trump’s extortion.


    Salon, Oct. 29: Press Watch: New evidence that Trump's extortion attempts damaged national security

    Daily Kos, Nov. 1: GOP Senators admit reality: Quid pro Quo is real, Trump committed extortion

    Raw Story, Nov. 1: Republicans secretly admitting Trump is guilty of extortion in Ukraine

    Huffington Post, Nov. 4: Another Term For Trump's Quid Pro Quo? Extortion

    Vanity Fair, Nov. 5: Trump Ambassador Suddenly Remembers Extorting Ukraine

    etc etc

  3. Anonymous12:38 AM

    Oh, my gosh. If the New Yorker, Vice, Mother Jones, Daily Kos, Huffington Post, Vanity Fair, and , especially, the Center for American Progress all say it was extortion, then it really, really must be extortion.

  4. Anonymous8:59 AM

    First of all, stupid, it really, really is extortion.

    But I didn't post those headlines to convince the stupid. I posted them to contradict the "focus groups"/"new word of the day" claim, as if Trump's Ukraine "extortion" is something liberals only just thought up and started floating this week to gauge reactions.

    Mid-September, late September, early October, mid-October, late October, early November... who's conducting this focus group, ICE? Those poor test subjects haven't seen their families in months!

  5. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Most interesting extortion/bribery/quid pro quo scheme in history:

    The person being extorted/bribed/quided didn't know he was being extorted/bribed/quided and had nothing withheld from him.

    And the one doing the extortion/bribery/quoing never got what he was "demanding".

  6. Is this 'moving the goalposts' yet again, or are we in a whole new stadium now?

  7. I was going to write what the most recent anonymous wrote.

    But wait...the anonymous before that said "really really" so now I'm convinced.

  8. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Most interesting extortion/bribery/quid pro quo scheme in history:

    The person being extorted/bribed/quided didn't know he was being extorted/bribed/quided and had nothing withheld from him.

    And the one doing the extortion/bribery/quoing never got what he was "demanding".
    Attempts to bribe exist at common law and under the Model Penal Code, and often, the punishment for attempted bribery and completed bribery are identical. Solicitation of a bribe also constitutes a crime and is completed regardless of whether the solicitation results in the receipt of a valuable gift.

  9. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Don't worry, Schiff and Pelosi will be getting to "attempted bribery" any day now. Right after they focus-group "felony assault".

  10. Anonymous10:06 AM

    By "any day now," you mean for the last 2 months?

    Your ineffectual fixation on focus group word choice is "inappropriate, but not impeachable."

  11. Anonymous8:43 PM

    Then up next will be "felony deep-state butthurt".

  12. Anonymous4:50 PM

    No, that one's just been scheduled for early next year. And this will be the scenic view:

  13. Anonymous8:45 PM

    "Conspiracy to make Democrats look like fools."

  14. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Say, how'd you enjoy THAT election?

    Not the previous one in Kentucky and Virginia --- this past weekend's election in Louisiana?

    GOP strategist Tim Miller:
    “If you had any doubt that Trump was a human repellent spray for suburban voters who have a conservative disposition, Republicans getting wiped out in the suburbs of New Orleans, Louisville and Lexington should remove it.”
