Saturday, November 30, 2019

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Legal Insurrection: "Newsweek Reporter Fired for Inaccurate Report About Trump Spending Thanksgiving “Tweeting and Golfing”."

Republicans have been complaining about media bias forever and this incident is yet another example how easily the press can be duped into stories that support their bias.

Extra - Babylon Bee: "Nation Looking For Right Phrase To Describe Media That Behaves Like Some Kind Of Adversary Of The Populace."


  1. Anonymous11:42 PM

    Babylon Bee: "Nation Looking For Right Phrase To Describe Media That Behaves Like Some Kind Of Adversary Of The Populace."

    An actual onion is funnier.

  2. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Thank you for defending great political comedy. Shouldn't you be writing an angry letter to your local newspaper for dropping "Broom Hilda"?
