Thursday, November 21, 2019

Just making stuff up

George Washington law school professor Jonathan Turley: "Democrats seek to redefine crimes to reframe the Trump impeachment."
Those “clear established crimes” are absent in this impeachment. Instead, the same experts and House members now claim three new crimes with equal certainty, but even less support under case law. If Democrats continue on this course, it will combine the narrowest impeachment in history with the most dubious claims of criminal conduct.
If there's any consolation, it looks like the Democrats aren't fooling anyone with this clown show.


  1. Anonymous9:53 PM

    Uh oh... another Turley op-ed AND a poll? These could tip the balance! Senate Republicans might not vote to convict Trump after all!

  2. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Don't feel too bad. You've always got Judge Napolitano.
