Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Feelings...nothing more than feelings

I had to work today so I could only catch snippets of the news, but it sure sounds like Impeachment Inquiry! was a huge bust.  Which was predicted because - ahem - the witnesses...weren't.
Practically every question on the point of the hearing assumed facts not in evidence, because not one witness had any direct contact with Trump himself. Not one of them could point to an overt direction for a quid pro quo from the White House. They assumed that was the policy, they worried that was the policy, and they certainly didn’t like the direction the Trump administration was taking Ukraine. But as far as the quid pro quo issue, it’s entirely assumed on facts not in evidence, because none of these witnesses can testify to such orders, let alone from Donald Trump — with whom they had no contact.
How bad was it?  Even CNN had to admit it: "Even CNN’s Jeffrey Toobin thinks it’s a problem for Dems that neither witness had direct contact with the president."

This is my favorite part: Adam Schiff warns the witness not to answer a question based on "facts not in evidence" and incredulous Republicans want to know if that's the standard since they just spent half a day listening to facts not in evidence.


  1. Remember the Costa Concordia? Watching this 'inquiry' was like watching that cruise ship hit the rocks.

  2. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Remember the Costa Concordia? Watching this 'inquiry' was like watching that cruise ship hit the rocks.

    Just sit right back and enjoy this tale of lemmings and their cliff
    Outwitted by Pelosi's corpse, and by Liddle' Adam Schiff.
    Nunes is a lightweight failing man, Jim Jordan's lame for sure.
    Five witnesses reported crimes, while Fox News aired manure.
    Fox News aired manure.
    The evidence is getting rough, we must defend the boss.
    But midterms sucked, and 2020 smells like
    Another painful loss.
    Another painful loss.
    Republicans don't have anything but snark and smears and bile
    From Hannity
    Dumb Tucker, too
    Fake billionaire
    His third wife
    Rudy's bizarre
    Lord, what a mess
    Have fun at Simpleton's trial!
