Monday, October 28, 2019

The sham impeachment continues apace

Really good article in the WSJ: "This Impeachment Subverts the Constitution" - "It’s nakedly political and procedurally defective, and so far there’s no public evidence of high crimes."

But wait, Nancy Pelosi is here to remedy this: "Finally: House Dems To Vote On Resolution Formalizing Impeachment Proceedings."

Except this is not an impeachment vote: it's merely an ass-covering resolution by the Democrats saying they're allowed to run their Star Chamber.  The jig was up when a reporter committed an act of journalism and tracked down Nancy Pelosi who admitted: "‘It’s Not An Impeachment Resolution’."

Extra - The Last Refuge: "Pelosi is not delivering a House “Resolution on Impeachment” for a vote, because if she did hold a vote on an impeachment resolution, the minority and the Executive branch would gain rights therein."  We can't have that.

More - Althouse: "The vote will take place on Thursday, and it will be presented as whether to “affirm” the inquiry... which seems to say that they don't want to admit that they were doing it wrong, just asking for an affirmation."


  1. Anonymous1:00 AM

    Impotent whining about the process? Knowing that your party's false complaint was foreordained to be smashed to rubble? Purely at a time and in a manner of the Democrats’ choosing? Outstanding strategy!

  2. Yawn. Let me know when we circle around to emoluments again.

  3. They don't have the votes.

  4. Anonymous1:59 AM

    They don't have the votes.

    Yeah. All 2 of them.

    You fell victim to one of the classic blunders, the most famous of which is 'Never get involved in a land war in Asia.' But only slightly less famous is this: Never bet against Nancy Pelosi being able to count votes.
