Friday, October 18, 2019

Senator Bennet has concerns

Politico: "Can any of these people beat Trump?"
This, Bennet fears, is how Trump might luck into a second term. Oh, sure, the president will continue to scare moderates and independents with his erratic behavior. But Bennet wonders if Democrats might scare them even more—what with talk of seizing guns, banning fracking, guaranteeing health coverage to undocumented immigrants, raising taxes across the board, imposing political litmus tests on churches, and of course, eliminating private insurance for more than 150 million people.

“Just listen to this debate,” Bennet says, motioning toward the television. “Medicare for All shouldn’t even have made it to the debate stage. I mean, we’re a free country, and that’s fine. But of the Democrats who won in 2018, in those suburban districts, all but one person won their primary running on the public option—against candidates who supported Medicare for All. I understand this has been Bernie’s thing forever. But for some of the leading candidates to sign on to his bill gave it legitimacy. It’s just…”

He drifts off, shaking his head.
As the article notes, Bennet isn't the only one exasperated with Liz Warren's non-answers.  And, to circle around to my debate complaint, the questions are always so predictable.  Why hasn't anybody asked these candidates why they're talking about health care reform less than 5 years after Obamacare was going to fix it all?  The media doesn't ask hard questions because they want to protect their favorites.  This will play well in flyover country.

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