Saturday, October 05, 2019

Oh, that's "opposition research"

NY Post: "Sorry, Dems: It’s OK to ask for foreign help in a criminal justice investigation."
As George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley explains, “It is not uncommon for an attorney general, or even a president, to ask foreign leaders to assist with ongoing investigations. Such calls can shortcut bureaucratic red tape, particularly if the evidence is held, as in this case, by national security or justice officials.”
But what about the DNC's own actions in Ukraine or Hillary literally hiring Russian agents to dig up dirt on Trump?
But keep in mind, it was the Democrats who told us there is nothing wrong or illegal with a presidential candidate hiring a private lawyer to conduct opposition research in a foreign country on their political opponents. After it emerged that the Clinton campaign and the DNC had paid Christopher Steele to dig up dirt in Russia on Trump, the Democrats’ defense was: That’s just opposition research. Everyone does it.
Kimberly Strassel calls the Democrats' actions "mystifying" given the double standard present:
"They don’t understand how Democrats can say this is an impeachable offense when Democrats seem to have no problem with Hillary Clinton’s campaign directing Russian disinformation to the FBI against the Trump campaign,” Strassel told “Fox & Friends," calling it "mystifying" that Democrats have chosen this phone call as the basis for an impeachment.
I'll wager that not a lot of Americans even know about the origin of the Steele dossier, but they're about to.


  1. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Or else President Christopher Steele wouldn't get his missiles, and Fusion GPS would have been invaded by Russia.

    Also, President Trump admitted he did it, and publicly asked to do it again.

    Cool analogy, though.

  2. Anonymous9:24 PM

    Kool-Aid drinking.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
