Tuesday, October 22, 2019

It's for your own good, citizen


  1. Anonymous11:27 AM

    The two best sources for learning about American civics are still The Federalist Papers and tweets from The Partyman.

  2. Anonymous9:06 AM

    The compelling rebuttals continue.

  3. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Impeachment is happening. It's you and the 6 to 8 vulnerable Senate Republicans (and The Partyman) who need more compelling rebuttals.

    No worries, though: Matt Gaetz will save you!

  4. "Impeachment is happening."

    It's almost like the Mueller investigation never happened.

  5. Anonymous10:14 PM

    "A sitting president cannot be indicted," but he can be impeached.

    You had your candy, now eat your cold spinach. Womp womp.

  6. Anonymous9:18 AM

    The clown above doesn't know it yet, but the cold spinach is being served to him

  7. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Lock Someone Up! Lock Someone, Anyone Up!

    Every thinking person, reptile, and single-cellular organism understands that AG William Barr's investigation is a crude counteroffensive by someone who's been personally implicated in impeachable crimes. Barr has been traveling to other countries trying to find a replacement Zelensky, but he's had a spot of trouble getting one. Resorting to a criminal probe is red meat for the 39%, which is why you've gobbled it.

    Leaving those minor details aside, HOW does the staged DoJ v. DoJ probe in any way impede Liddle' Shifty Schiff? How does it slow the parade of devastating testimony? Or stop the reality that Donald Trump will be impeached?

    If we Get Donald Trump™, you'll retaliate by... taking down Lisa Page? It's a deal. Where do we sign?

  8. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Some sense of frantic panic coming up there...

    "HOW does the staged DoJ v. DoJ probe in any way impede Liddle' Shifty Schiff?"

    Who said anything about impeding Schiff? It's about bringing Comey, Clapper, Brennan, and maybe even O himself to justice.

    Schiff is impeded by his own idiocy and bad framing skills.

    What a great laugh line though...parade of devastating testimony!

  9. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Some sense of frantic panic coming up there...

    This again, dullwit? That fortune cookie you once got that said "Repetition is the soul of wit. Repetition is the soul of wit. Repetition is the soul of wit" was meant to be funny. You weren't supposed to take it this seriously. You need a much bigger rhetorical keyboard.

    Then again, we can't expect anyone who thinks the parade of devastating testimony that's literally occurring is a great laugh line to have an advanced sense of humor.

    "None of these witnesses are damaging Trump... but that Obama might face justice!"

  10. Anonymous5:50 PM

    the parade of devastating testimony [is] literally occurring

    Wait - so you were serious about this devastating testimony being out there? I hadn't realized that the veil of secrecy for the double-secret sub-basement hearings had been lifted, and that the transcripts were available. I'm excited to now find out differently!

    Could you please post links to the witnesses' testimony? I think every American would be interested in at least browsing them. I know I will read them with great interest.

    I may be underestimating the task I've handed you. If there have been so many witnesses, maybe each with a separate transcript link, I'll be happy if you can just post a few of the important ones. I'll trust your judgement as to which are the most devastating.

    This is an important day, when Democrats have opened up access to the transcripts of the hearing. Who knows, maybe next they'll decide to take a vote to have a real impeachment hearing instead of just a propaganda one.

  11. Anonymous8:46 PM

    Man, you've only got like 5 retorts, each of them dumb and boring.

    They haven't made 2019 any better for you, either. Hang in there, though. Everything is really starting to go your way!!

    Until then, keep telling yourself that this is a fake impeachment inquiry. Just don't tell Judge Beryl Howell.

    Judge validates Trump impeachment inquiry, orders Mueller document release

  12. Nancy Pelosi left strict orders that any impeachment effort must focus on Ukraine.

    Now that it's falling apart, it's back to Mueller. Then there's always Stormy and the Sharpie that wrote on that map-gate.

  13. Anonymous9:26 PM

    They haven't made 2019 any better for you...

    You know what is making 2019 just fine for me? Watching the ever-rising panic and protest in the Democrats and the Career Democrat media as the noose slowly tightens in the Barr/Durham Russian Collusion criminal investigation.

    P.S. I heard Durham has 75 blank subpoenas ready to be filled out.

  14. Anonymous10:49 PM

    Eric -
    Democrats demanded the unredacted Mueller Report material half a year ago. Or, five months before the whistleblower let everyone know about the Ukraine extortion phone call. The reason you pretend Democrats are "back to Mueller" is because the administration has been dragging its obligations out in court.

    Today's ruling won't be the final ruling, either. If you're getting whiplash from Trump's overlapping legal battles, just imagine how the stable genius must feel!

    Jeepers, I sure do sincerely hope all these court delays don't push our President's impeachment hearings and those lose-lose Senate votes into the 2020 election season. Susan Collins' brow is so furrowed already.

    Laugh Lines -
    You hear about blank subpoenas. You see "ever-rising" panic that would be less than a day old if it were real. Yet you don't see accounts of the devastating impeachment testimony. Yup. Deaf, blind AND dumb.

  15. Anonymous9:39 AM

    You got that right - I'm still waiting for your links to the impeachment testimony so I can view the parade for myself.

  16. Anonymous4:28 PM

    Yes. You are still waiting.

  17. Anonymous11:45 AM

    The waiting continues.

  18. Anonymous7:55 PM

    Hang in there, Godot.

  19. Anonymous3:58 PM


  20. The two best sources for learning about American civics are still The Federalist Papers and tweets from The Partyman loudtronix

  21. You hear about blank subpoenas. You see "ever-rising" panic that would be less than a day old if it were real. Yet you don't see account

  22. You hear about blank subpoenas. You see "ever-rising" panic that would be less than a day old if it were real. Yet you don't see accounts of the devastating impeachment testimon

  23. Democrats demanded the unredacted Mueller Report material half a year ago. Or, five months before the whistleblower let everyone know about the Ukraine extortion phone call banco de venezuela
