Thursday, October 17, 2019

How's that sham impeachment inquiry going?


  1. Anonymous11:00 PM

    How's that sham impeachment inquiry going?

    For Trump? Very badly. Just awful.

    It's been all over the news; is your Wi-Fi down?

  2. Let's see: yesterday the Ukrainian diplomat testified that Trump said there would be no quid pro quo and another testified that he told Congressional investigators that he saw a conflict of interest with Hunter Biden but that the Vice President shut down any investigation.

    Now we know why Adam Schiff is hiding behind closed doors.

  3. Anonymous10:17 PM

    You realize that whether Hunter Biden is a devil, or an angel, or neither, it makes absolutely no difference to what Trump did: extorting a foreign country to interfere in our upcoming election.

    Trump's ask would be just as impeachable if Ukraine had sent Giuliani home inside a wooden crate with a GO F YOURSELF DONNY flag wedged up his ass.

    Nevertheless, your timing was exquisite. Haven't you seen this same stupid script fifty times before, where some poor sap publicly defends what the President actually supposedly didn't quite say, fake news... and is immediately poleaxed by an explicit open confession that goddamn right, Trump ordered the Code Red?

    Now it's your turn in the sucker barrel. Thanks, Mick Mulvaney!!
