Thursday, October 03, 2019

Get woke, go broke

Washington Examiner, December 2018: "What is wrong with you, Sports Illustrated?" - "There is so much wrong with Sports Illustrated’s decision to have Christine Blasey Ford present its 2018 Inspiration of the Year award, it is hard to know where to begin."

Newsbusters, August 2019: "Kaepernick Is Cover Man for SI's PC List of NFL's Most Influential People."

Fox News, today: "Sports Illustrated sees drastic cuts; 'half the staff' is being laid off."


  1. Anonymous10:10 PM

    That's puerile. And Sports Illustrated laying off half its staff is precisely half as severe a cut as the un-woke Weekly Standard.

    In the weeks before they turned the heat and lights off, the Standard wrote about how Kaepernick was getting rich off his "trutherism," as well as questioning Blasey Ford's account of Rapey and Squee. Impossibly, those two articles that might have saved SI failed to turn things around for WS.

    Get Woke, Get Stoked:

  2. Sometimes I think to myself: I could have had Newsweek for $1.

  3. Malcolm Exxon11:02 PM

    You take Newsweek; for my one dollar, I'll take the entire natural gas network and infrastructure of Kyrgyzstan.

  4. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Sports Illustrated, hobbled by Kavanaugh hate and Kaepernick wokeness:

    [Tech company] TheMaven, which instigated the tortured layoffs of dozens of people on Thursday, claims it will continue to carry on Sports Illustrated’s tradition of high-quality journalism while simultaneously launching hundreds of content farms to churn out “local sports news.” It will use a model similar to that of the SB Nation team sites, now the subject of two federal collective action lawsuits; FanSided, Sports Illustrated’s last exploitative appendage; and and, irrelevant and failed ventures, respectively.

    ...TheMaven wants to build out a network of SI-branded Maven “team communities” that will drive traffic through a combination of cynical SEO ploys, news aggregation, and low-paid and unpaid labor.

    This isn’t the first time that Levinsohn, now the CEO of Sports Illustrated, has tried to impose this particular terrible and exploitative idea on a newsroom. Back in 2017, as the newly installed publisher of the 138-year-old Los Angeles Times, Levinsohn attempted to turn the paper into a contributor network, but his plan was ultimately nixed after he was placed on administrative leave due to allegations of sexual harassment. Two years later with Sports Illustrated, Levinsohn is getting a second chance at ruining a prestigious publication.

    ...Several sources who were pitched jobs running Maven team sites under Sports Illustrated branding described a bleak scenario. They said they were told they would earn between $25,000 and $30,000 per year, with vague opportunities to make extra money by hitting “traffic bonuses.” They would be expected to post three “news videos” per day to their site—they were to wear Maven polo shirts in these videos—as well as hundreds of posts per month. The message was clear: Quantity over quality. Prospective Maven “partners” were told by company execs that if they had trouble creating enough content, they should go to the nearest college and find eager young students who would write for free. These Maven partners would also be required to register themselves as an LLC, presumably so TheMaven would avoid any SB Nation–like legal liability for misclassifying workers as independent contractors instead of employees.

    ...All the sources said that it was clear that “beat writer” was not the appropriate description for the job they were being asked to do, which also included moderating comments on the site, selling advertisements, and managing and promoting “premium subscriptions” for their site.

  5. Anonymous12:49 AM

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  6. Ukraine Clown Posse5:46 PM

    The magical Dr. Oku is also the person writing the GOP's talking point defenses of Trump.

    You gotta cast more powerful spells, Doc! These ones aren't working!

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