Tuesday, October 08, 2019

By popular demand

Here you go.  Powerline: "Trump refuses to participate in impeachment farce."

I can't believe Trump is resisting this Soviet-era Star Chamber of closed-door hearings orchestrated by spurious subpoenas triggered by an anonymous whistleblower with hearsay evidence.

Reminder from former U.S. Attorney Andrew McCarthy:
Under federal law, the offense of obstructing Congress applies when “any inquiry or investigation is being had by either House, or any committee of either House.” Again, neither the House nor any of its committees has voted to conduct an impeachment inquiry. There is no formal impeachment proceeding to obstruct. Furthermore, the letters in question are not actually demands carrying the compulsory force of law; technically, they are just informal requests. No one is required to comply with a mere request, and refusing to do so is not evidence of anything, let alone obstruction.
There is no obstruction because there is nothing to obstruct, unless you count Nancy's foot stomping.


  1. Anonymous2:41 AM

    This will age well.

  2. Anonymous7:10 PM

    We guys love our polls.


  3. Anonymous7:15 PM

    Fox News found that registered voters:
    Want Trump impeached and removed-- 51% (up from 42% in July)
    Want Trump impeached, not removed-- 4% (down from 5%)
    Don't want Trump impeached-- 40% (down from 45%)

    The Ukraine extortion transcript was released two weeks ago today.

  4. Cleave tightly to those polls! They'll save you.

  5. Anonymous3:14 AM

    No, the polls — and there are so many! — only indicate that Democrats can be confident they'll pay no real price for impeachment.

    And also that Rep. Kevin McCarthy's boast about what the repeated Benghazi hearings did to Hillary's numbers is a repeatable experiment.

    Forcing Susan Collins and Joni Ernst and Thom Tillis and Jeanne Shaheen and Martha McSally and Cory Gardner and John Cornyn and David Perdue to vote "Nay" on impeachment during their reelection campaigns is a delicious bonus. Only one Democratic incumbent shares their problem, and he was already going to lose.

    But this is all moot (or moat) because the buzz on the blogs is that articles of impeachment will never reach the Senate.
