Thursday, October 10, 2019

Babylon Bee: the *new* Paper of Record

Babylon Bee: "Survey Finds More People Would Support Impeachment If They Knew What Crime Trump Was Supposed To Have Committed." 


  1. Anonymous11:33 PM

    If the Kurds had bombs that were half as deadly and catastrophic as [i]The Babylon Bee[/i] and [i]The 1/2 Hour News Hour[/i], Turkey wouldn't dare come near them.

    Do you have conservatives in your life whom you love and care for? Beseech them not to attempt comedy.

  2. That's as logical and consistent as the massive shit I just took, bunky...

  3. Anonymous6:15 PM

    You should submit that massive shit to The Babylon Bee. Their editors can buff it into another comedy gem.

  4. I clicked on the link hoping somebody would tell me the high crime.

    Rick rolled again!
