Thursday, September 19, 2019

This is not going to happen

Hot Air: "Report: House Dems Weighing Contempt Charge Against Corey Lewandowski Over Tuesday’s Hearing."

C'mon, man, this is all posturing.  The Democrats want to bury the memory of that hearing in a shallow grave.


  1. Anonymous3:48 AM

    You should have stuck around for the ending. The Dems' lawyer took Lewandowski apart piece by piece like a frog in science class.

    Great clips. Contumelious Corey and his F.U. performance is going to go over like gangbusters in next year's NH Senate race.

    Lewandowski 2020: The Truth Can Kiss My Ass

  2. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Apparently this guy, despite his hate for Trump, missed the ending:

    Corey Lewandowski Just Made the Democrats Look Utterly Bloodless

    The hearing was a political test, and the House Democrats failed it. They’re shudderingly terrible at this work; they lack the bloodthirsty instincts of political killers. Trump and the House GOP are playing nuclear hardball, and the House Democrats were playing the old normie politics of the days before social media, reality television, and the Insane Clown President.

  3. Anonymous3:31 PM

    How bad has it gotten for Ukraine Donny's defenders? This bad. They're citing articles that refer to the witness' "outrageous contempt" in "hiding behind a phony privilege claim" to protect "the Insane Clown President."

    Headlines you didn't go for:
    Lewandowski pumps life into Trump obstruction story
    Corey Lewandowski admits he lied on TV about Russia
    The best evidence of obstruction of justice
    Corey Lewandowski’s Self-Immolation: The former Trump campaign manager’s disastrous performance shows that impeachment hearings work.
    Trump is far happier with Lewandowski's testimony than he should be

  4. Anonymous8:36 PM

    How bad has it gotten for Ukraine Donny's defenders? This bad. They're citing articles that refer to the witness' "outrageous contempt" in "hiding behind a phony privilege claim" to protect "the Insane Clown President."

    What you call "bad", I call "schadenfreudelicious".

    The winning, it continues.

  5. Anonymous8:36 PM

    ...But take heart - The Ukraine will save you!

  6. Sorry I'm late for the party.

    Yeah, I'm such a nerd, I turned on C-Span to catch the Dem's lawyer question Lewandowski. It was great.

    Can't wait for the contempt charge.

  7. Anonymous6:34 AM

    Bill Barr gets held in contempt, and it's a mark against the House Democrats. If Corey Lewandowski doesn't get held in contempt, it'll also be a mark against the House Democrats.
