Saturday, September 14, 2019


The Intercept: "Joe Biden's stunningly racist answer on the legacy of slavery has been overlooked."

I have predicted that Biden will lose both New Hampshire and Iowa and then his support in South Carolina will wither because of these early setbacks.  (When your entire argument is "electability" it's subverted when you can't get elected.)  These latest gaffes will not endear him to the very South Carolina voters he's depending on.

Which leaves, what, Warren?  There won't be an U-haul trucks at the White House anytime soon.


  1. It isn't the most likely outcome, but don't be surprised if someone else pops up, perhaps as late as the Democratic National Convention, to save the day. Michelle or Oprah come to mind. Either would get the African American vote back on the reservation, and the concept of a 3rd Obama term would be irresistible. They would no doubt waive all the pesky rules my acclamation.

  2. There's a guy who keeps insisting Hillary will swoop in.

    I think he's kidding.
