Sunday, September 22, 2019

How can this guy be so lucky?

A little correction: I was wrong last month when I said that Liz Warren's nomination was "not going to happen."  Last night the best poll in Iowa now shows Fauxcahontas pulling ahead of Sleepy Joe.  Hot Air: "Warren Pulling Ahead, At Least In Iowa."

This can only be explained by Biden's slow-motion implosion.  My belief in that Warren could not be the Democrats' nominee is because she's a stone-cold Hillary 2.0 loser to Trump:
From the beginning of this mess, I’d never imagined that Donald Trump could be lucky enough to draw Warren as an opponent, but at this point, it’s impossible to deny that she looks like she has a real chance. That’s kind of amazing because she really is a dud of a candidate. She’s terrible on the stump and leaves people with the impression that she’s lecturing them more than relating to them. And she’s already gone on the record with a bunch of policies that will ruin people’s financial situations while driving the country in an extreme leftward tilt.

If Trump is running even a modestly competent campaign next year he should be able to tear her to shreds.
Since it's confession time, I was also very wrong about Kamala Harris.  Sweet mercy, she's a terrible candidate. 


  1. She’s terrible on the stump and leaves people with the impression that she’s lecturing them more than relating to them.

    Yup- Hillary 2.0 in a nutshell - the Windows Vista candidate!

  2. Anonymous7:28 PM

    If you still have the receipt for your crystal ball, try to get a refund.

    "Official Viking Pundit prediction: Romney 285 - Obama 253"

    "Remember the other day when I predicted Scott Brown was going to pull out the upset win in New Hampshire?
    Don't look now...."

    "This is the only consolation I can find in this election
    ...Reminder to self: pick up wine."

    "I think it's fair to say there was no "blue wave" this year."

  3. Now let's see your record...

  4. Anonymous1:39 PM

    I correctly predicted the 2018 blue wave. You insisted it wasn't a blue wave at all, even after it had already happened. Awesome call, Nostradumbass.

  5. Need I remind you that Dems won the US House and lost seats in the US Senate? How's that a 'blue wave' again, numbnuts?

  6. Oh, no, not the House! How's RBG doing?

  7. Anonymous10:35 PM

    Oh, Roger. Still pretending like Mitch McConnell wasn't drooling over the most favorable Senate map in United States history, and telling colleagues and donors throughout 2017 that it could give the GOP a 59-41, or even a 60-40 majority. Ooh, so close.

    Hey though, congratulations on winning those 2 big Senate seats out of 8 or 9. Really took the edge off the blue sprinkle.

    In 2018, Democrats flipped 7 Republican-held Governors' mansions, while the Republicans won an impressive 0 from the Dems. The GOP lost ground in fifty states (Teacher says that's out of fifty). Republicans lost their majorities in six state legislatures; Dems improved theirs. As the turnout for voters 18-29 unprecedentedly jumped from 21% to 31% in an off-year election. (Don't worry, though. The next generation of voters'll probably all stay home next year when Trump's running.)

  8. Anonymous10:38 PM

    Eric avoids Roger's retarded stubbornness, and instead just throws generic shade about judicial confirmations and RBG's health. Neither of which has a thing to do with the blue wave, nor is in liberals' control. Unlike the executive order power, when it passes into President Warren's hands.

    Oh, no, not the House!

    Yeah, what can the House do? It's gonna be fun watching Susan Collins and Joni Ernst and Cory Gardner and Martha McSally and David Perdue and Thom Tillis and John Cornyn forced to vote on impeachment.

    But don't worry, impeachment will also be a politically perilous vote for the Democrats. Well, for one (and only one) Democrat. And he's the already doomed Doug Jones, which makes his vote meaningless.

    After that, the 2022 Senate map is looking so nice and blue...

  9. I see this was written last night. Newsflash: impeachment is already collapsing and it will never pass out of the House.

    Nancy Pelosi looks weak by caving to the AOC wing and she won't even get the money shot of impeachment.

    As for the "blue wave" - congrats. Obama drove the Democrats to their lowest representation in American history; they had nowhere to go but up.

  10. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Reminder: You said there was no blue wave at all. After it had occurred.

    I deserve no congratulation for the feat of recognizing the bloody obvious: in any normal midterm cycle with any other president, the Democrats should and would have won fewer House seats, and should and would have lost many more Senate seats.

    Your impeachment prediction is going to make your Romney call look brilliant.
