Thursday, September 12, 2019

Confirmed: Christine Blasey Ford lied

At least her own father thinks so.  How else to explain this story from the Federalist: "Christine Blasey Ford’s Father Supported Brett Kavanaugh’s Confirmation" - "After Christine Blasey Ford publicly alleged that Brett Kavanaugh tried to rape her, her father repeatedly communicated to Kavanaugh's father that he supported Kavanaugh's confirmation to the Supreme Court."

During the confirmation hearings, the media barely covered the very strange detail that nobody in her blood family would go on record supporting poor Christine. 

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:43 AM

    Ramirez’s legal team apparently gave the FBI a list of at least 25 people who might have had corroborating evidence for her allegations. But, despite many of those potential witnesses trying unsuccessfully to reach the FBI on their own, none of them were interviewed.

    Oh boo hoo, what did people want, anyway? A 97- hour investigation?
