Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Americans have steadily lost faith in the press

New York Times: "Hold my beer."
To summarize, the Times had information that Ford’s account was essentially nuked and discredited. Instead of running that as the lead story delved from this garbage book, they reran old allegations and included a new one which lacked any credibility at all, to the point where even the alleged victim has no recollection of it.


Are we supposed to believe that was just an honest editorial decision? Come on. The authors of this book were so partisan, so wrapped up in their own narrative that they did everything they could to frame things in a way to hurt Kavanaugh. It just so happens that they did such an awful job at it that their claims fell apart within hours.
Trump has driven the lamestream media absolutely insane and this latest hit job against Kavanaugh is just more of the same. 


  1. Anonymous3:36 AM


  2. ^ Now do Bill Clinton...

  3. Anonymous3:10 AM

    Only two women could make up an absurd story about a male teenager allowing another male teenager to grab his dick in a room with other people and put it in the hands of female. No teenage male is going to let a guy grab his dick nor is one going to grab somebody's dick for the purpose of "putting it in female's hand". It's like the two women plagiarized an old Penthouse forum letter.

  4. Anonymous3:40 AM

    Gallup: U.S. Media Trust Continues to Recover From 2016 Low


    See? Trump does have at least one accomplishment.
