Monday, August 19, 2019

I've seen this show before

Daily Caller: "Elizabeth Warren Kicks Off Policy Speech To Native Americans With An Apology: ‘I Am Sorry’"
“Now before I go any further, I want to say this. Like anyone who’s been honest with themselves, I know that I have made mistakes. I am very sorry for harm I have caused,” Warren remarked during the event. “I have listened and I have learned a lot, and I am grateful for the many conversations that we’ve had together.”
Do you know what you'll never - ever - never ever hear from Warren?

1) What mistakes she's made
2) What harm she's caused
3) What she's learned

She has thrown out this fake penitence for years now and every time she's asked about it we get vague responses like "I'm not part of a tribe" or "I'm not a person of color."  You'll never get her to admit that she only adopted her so-called heritage in her mid-30s when she just happened to be looking for a job.  

Prove me wrong, mainstream media: let's hear what "mistakes" or "harm" Warren has caused.  She's practically inviting you to ask her.


  1. Sandor Bak9:31 AM

    Do you know what you'll never ever hear?
    1) What mistakes she's made
    2) What harm she's caused
    3) What she's learned

    Speaking of which, Tucker Carlson's back from his long-planned, totally normal vacation! Yaayyy!!!

    Guess who didn't come back, though...

    Tucker Carlson Returns From His Racism Vacation With Far Fewer Advertisers
    Carlson’s lost more than 70 paid advertisers since last December (a 60 percent drop!) in large part because generally he keeps saying unhinged and racist shit. Five of those advertisers have departed in the 11 days since Carlson spewed his stupid thoughts on white supremacy, including HelloFresh and Nestlé. Long John Silver’s dumped Fox News altogether.

  2. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Oh, no--not Long John Silver's! This will finally bring an end to the Fox News dominance of cable news. I predict Tucker Carlson will be off the air within 25 years.

  3. Yawn, keep beating that drum, Ringo.

    "They can also use unsold advertising slots in Carlson’s program to promote the network’s other shows and specials," Bogardus notes. "It’s similar to the business concept of a 'loss leader.' Even if advertisers start to pull out of his program, fearing boycotts and controversy, those viewers can still be used to boost ratings for Fox’s other, less controversial news and opinion programs. Fox News Channel will simply wait out the controversy and use the continuing high ratings to promote other shows and boast of its ratings successes."

    Ad Age's Anthony Crupi agrees, saying campaigns to hit Fox in the wallet just won't work. "The obsessive chronicling of advertisers who may be jumping ship at the moment is a bit of an empty exercise, given that a reallocation of spend from Carlson’s show to another Fox News program has no material impact on Fox News’ bottom line."

  4. Sandor Bak11:38 AM

    Yawn, keep beating that drum, Ringo.

    Acknowledgement don't come easy. You know it don't come easy.

    Tucker Carlson reportedly makes a $6 million salary. Not included in that total is the $45 million in ad revenue that his show bled out in 2018 for entirely unnecessary and preventable reasons. When Rachel Maddow's ratings slip, it doesn't cost MSNBC 50 million dollars.

    That $45 million bonfire is now the nostalgic good times. Carlson's weekly and yearly revenue losses have sharply increased since 2018. Worse, the ad losses are hardly restricted to Carlson's show. Their entire prime time lineup has been pounded. In recent years, Fox News is always riding out a controversy that hits their bottom line.

    The descriptions of Fox's "loss leader" response illustrate a defensive, regressive business strategy. If airing saturation promos for Harris Faulkner and Neil Cavuto instead of paid ads is such a fabulous idea, Fox News wouldn't have waited until 2019 to do it all the time. Fox could still have "boasted of its ratings successes" and also collected the normal amount of money that ratings successes produce.

    You know you'd never swallow these kinds of sanguine alibis for any other channel on television repeatedly shooting its own foot with a machine gun. Cheerleading is making you dumb.

    Stupidest of all, the ad losses didn't have to happen. The real question isn't "Ha ha, how long before Carlson gets his dumb ass fired?" It's "Why does Fox News feel the need to factor in racist trash as a recurring operating expense?"
