Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The Mueller train wreck

Federalist: "Robert Mueller’s Testimony Has Been A Complete Disaster For Democrats."
Under the Constitution, congressional Democrats are free to impeach the president for any reasons they like—and voters are free to judge the president’s actions and vote for someone else. But the Mueller investigation was unable, despite its best efforts, to indict a single person for conspiracy connected to Trump 2016 campaign, much less the president himself. Mueller admitted under oath that his investigation into that matter was unhindered.

Democrats seem unable to come to terms with these inconvenient facts. And Mueller’s presence didn’t help their cause.
In his original report, Mueller said there was no collusion and today he specifically said that his investigation was not hindered in any way, which pulls the rug out of the obstruction charge.  But you'd never know that from the Democrats on the news shows tonight: it's full steam ahead with impeachment.  I expect that new poll numbers after this nothingburger today will bring them back to Nancy Pelosi's fold.

1 comment:

  1. I liked watching this particular train wreck...
