Saturday, July 13, 2019

The identity politics monster turns on the Dems

Washington Free Beacon: "Pelosi's House of Pain."
She's something, Ocasio-Cortez. At 29 years old, she perfectly embodies her generation's uniquely irritating combo of self-righteousness and cluelessness. Passionate and charming at first blush, her appeal quickly wears off. In a March Quinnipiac poll her favorability was underwater by 13 points.

What Ocasio-Cortez understands is that, in the culture of social media celebrity, the worst possible thing to do is back down. So, when Pelosi stated the obvious to Maureen Dowd—that for all the attention The Squad receives from the media it is, in the end, four votes—Ocasio-Cortez insinuated the speaker is a racist. And they say liberals oppose nuclear war.
Pass the popcorn.  AOC rose to prominence by yelling from a lectern but I don't believe she could withstand substantive debate with either a primary or general election challenger.  She's just not that bright.

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