Friday, July 19, 2019

Don't think I've heard of "damselling"

Ace: "Oh, My: Capital Police Strongly Imply That, Despite the Squad's Claims That They Are the Subjects of Intolerable Death Threats, They're Not Receiving More Threats Than Many Others."  ""Damselling" is internet slang for being a constant attention whore and drama cyclone and always claiming you're under attack, usually to gain sympathy, White Knights, and even money (especially through Patreon donations) and jobs (from leftwing media looking for leftwing "victims" of the right)."

There's an old joke that half the articles in Cosmopolitan are "You're great the way you are" and the other half are "Lose 10 pounds now!"  Modern feminism is full of crybullies who are both strong and powerful but also need constant protection from the meanies.  (See: every AOC tweet.)

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