Tuesday, June 25, 2019

What biased media?

Jim Geraghty: "The Highly Conditional Priorities of Our National News Media."
The argument isn’t mere hypocrisy; the argument is that large swaths of the national news media are only truly interested in topics when they are useful for demonizing Republicans. Immigration-enforcement methods that were bottom-of-page-A24 news in the Obama administration become top-of-page-A1 news in the Trump administration.
Why do most Republicans think that most Democrats are secretly fine, or at least indifferent, to the way ICE searches for, detains, and expels illegal immigrants? Because most Democrats were fine, or at least indifferent, to the way ICE searched for, detained, and expelled illegal immigrants during the Obama administration.
As we get closer to the election, we'll be hearing the evergreen "scare Grandma" stories about cutting entitlements.

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